Repugs, Dumbs, and Dumbers: a rant

If you have half a brain and half a conscience you know that most Republican politicians promote repugnant policies that increase inequality, bankrupt the economy, destroy the environment, and promote militarism. They lie, distort and resort to racism, xenophobia, dirty tricks and criminal activity.  They put children in cages. They antagonize our allies and cozy…

Why Some Women Still Vote Republican and What Can be Done About It

by Valerie Tarico Cross-posted from Lists of crazy comments about women by Republican men have been an internet staple for years. If the party agenda were to alienate as many females as possible, they should be doing quite well. Worse yet, from an impact standpoint, the policy priorities of Republican electeds match their expressed…

Freedom Foundation protest coverage by the Bellevue Reporter

On September 28, hundreds of people protested the annual dinner of the Freedom Foundation in Bellevue, where the guest speaker was renowned racist Dinesh D’Souza. The Bellevue Reporter print edition had an excellent piece about the protest, including content critical of D’Souza and Trump. Oddly, though, the Bellevue Reporter website doesn’t, as of the time…

On Saving Social Security

The government is now referring to our Social Security checks as a “Federal Benefit Payment.” This isn’t a benefit. It is our money paid out of our earned income! Not only did we all contribute to Social Security but our employers did too. It totaled 15% of our income before taxes. If you averaged $30K…

Here come the anti-I1631 ads from the oil companies

The Western States Petroleum Association sent me a glossy attack ad about the carbon tax initiative: Inside the fold, it warns of higher prices. Just this morning I got email from the YesOn1631 group saying: Big oil is trying to buy this election. Chevron has contributed $500,000. Tesoro has contributed $4,362,827. BP has contributed $6,443,709….

Should a progressive vote for Adam Smith or for Sarah Smith in the 9th CD?

I’m on the fence about whether to vote for Adam Smith or Sarah Smith for Congress this year. In short, Adam Smith has more experience, will have more power if elected,  has a decent but mixed voting record, and has moved left as his district has become more progressive. Sarah Smith would more strongly work…

There’s a new crazy charity, — Help the poor by giving to the rich, that’s raising money by asking us to donate to the rich, so they can help the poor.  Same reasoning as “tax cuts destroy jobs,” I guess.