On Obama’s Lost Army

Obama’s Lost Army This article answers a lot of questions I had about the Obama presidency from the beginning. Team Obama had amassed a huge base of enthusiastic volunteers & supporters from the campaign, using the most sophisticated digital connections available in 2008. What happened with that massive political force after the election? Pretty much…

David J. Rothkopf on Trump’s Legacy

Great summation by David J. Rothkopf, professor of international relations, political scientist and journalist, from his twitter feed. “So we know this, Russian government representatives reached out to the Trump campaign in 2015 and undertook multiple initiatives and had multiple points and series of contacts with Team Trump for the next couple years. It’s not just…

Uncle Sam on the Lam

by Lansing Scott Drunk Uncle Sam is on the lam. He escaped from DC and has been hitchhiking across the country, sleeping under bridges, & drinking his Thunderbird for months now. Hes almost reached Vancouver, BC, where he will formally apply for political asylum. Asked to explain his sudden departure from his job as personification…

Don’t call regressives conservatives

My pet peeve of the moment: I keep hearing progressives (including Amy Goodman today) refer to right-wing extremists as “conservatives.” Please people! There is nothing conservative about these far-right extremists who are working to destroy US public norms & institutions. It’s like calling anti-choice people “pro-life.” They are no such thing. Words matter! Do not…