These WA Legislature bills call for a limited constitutional convention to overturn Citizens United
The Washington State Senate is considering Senate Joint Memorial 8002 (SJM 8002) — Asking Congress to call a limited convention, authorized under Article V of the United States Constitution, for the purpose of proposing a free and fair elections amendment to that Constitution. The companion state house bill is HJM 4004. You can read the…
Bill Maher: “New Rule: The Republicans Are the Problem”
Starbucks CEO and presidential candidate Howard Schultz is one of many people saying that both parties are equally to blame for the mess the nation is in. Likewise, many leftists and socialists say the Dems are as bad as the Repugs. But Bill Maher makes a convincing and hilarious case for the idea that it’s…
The middle class starts to feel the pain from the Trump/GOP tax cut for the rich
Middle Class Dads Freak Out About Trump Tax Hike Now it’s becoming clearer that the Trump/GOP tax cuts they passed last year will raise taxes for millions of middle class Americans, so that the 1% can get another $1 trillion handout.
Loss of Progressive US Media Voices – There Is An Alternative! By Mark Taylor-Canfield
I just heard the news that yet another progressive voice will be leaving the US media due to lack of financial support: The Norman Goldman Show is ceasing operations as of Feb 22nd. I have been a regular contributor/guest on the show for several years and Norm has been one of my mentors. I’m getting…
Trump Proof Seattle and making the rich pay their fair share
Trump Proof Seattle discussed the effort to make rich people pay their fair share of taxes and to fix out horrendous wealth inequality.
Sen. Patty Kuderer speaks in Kirkland about the proposed state bank
Friday evening in Kirkland, State Senator Patty Kuderer spoke about the establishment of a state bank for Washington State. Last year, Governor Inslee signed a budget that included $480,000 to develop a proposal for the creation of a public cooperative bank. Professional bankers and economists are in the process of working out details of how the…
Marianne Williamson’s inspired presidential announcement speech
A bit corny and New Agey, but she speaks powerfully and truthfully:
Criminal Cost of Insulin
Indeed: “Diabetes Management’s digital edition reports that the cost of insulin has increased from $100 to $200 per month to $400 to $500 per month, depending on the brand.” (source)
Time to escalate the war on cars: treat driving like smoking in restaurants
Here are some links about how harmful (fossil fuel-powered) auto and truck traffic is to human health. They also are a major contributor to green-house gas emissions and a major reason the U.S. goes to war so often. Air pollution linked to ‘missed’ miscarriages in China: study CBS News reports: Nearly half of Americans breathe…
Letter to the editor in the Bellevue Reporter: A National Emergency
The following letter to the editor, by me, appears in the the Bellevue Reporter under the heading “A National Emergency,” both in the print edition and online here (scroll down past the first letter). During the first two years of Trump’s presidency, Republicans had a chance to build the wall; they didn’t. They had a…