Vladimir Putin Says Liberalism Has ‘Become Obsolete’

In an interview with Financial Times Vladimir Putin says liberalism has ‘become obsolete’. The Russian leader made the statement before he left for the G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan. He claimed that liberalism is in conflict with “the interests of the overwhelming majority of the population…” According to BBC News, Premier Putin also stated that multiculturalism is “no…

Loss of Progressive US Media Voices – There Is An Alternative! By Mark Taylor-Canfield

I just heard the news that yet another progressive voice will be leaving the US media due to lack of financial support: The Norman Goldman Show is ceasing operations as of Feb 22nd. I have been a regular contributor/guest on the show for several years and Norm has been one of my mentors. I’m getting…

Future of Independent Media:

Independent journalist Mark Taylor-Canfield talks with Norman Goldman about efforts to bring back progressive and independent voices to the Northwest US media. KPTK(Seattle) & KPOJ(Portland) went off the air, sparking groups like Progressive Radio Northwest and KRXY to launch campaigns to establish new broadcast stations and networks in Washington and Oregon.

Seattle Hosts Progressive Media Gathering – Is Radio Dead?

Progressive radio fans and broadcasters gathered in Seattle’s Pioneer Square on January 18th to discuss the future of the media. A standing room only crowd listened to guest speakers including Norman Goldman and local journalists Geov Parrish and David Goldstein. The event was organized by Progressive Radio Northwest. PRNW was founded by former listeners of…

Seattle May Day Mayhem – Pepper Spray and Flash Grenades

Videos @ Youtube – Free Speech Radio News Reports: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctGn7BDO35w (Including voice of ABC News reporter Hanna Scott on being pepper sprayed.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MdG5ECCgjk Originally Published Wed May 01, 2013 at 10:19 PM PDT @ Daily Kos Seattle May Day Mayhem – Pepper Spray and Flash Grenades by Mark Taylor-Canfield Thousands of people marched in Seattle…

Independent Report on May Day Critical of Seattle Police

Youtube video of news report here: MTC FSRN Report_0001 Originally broadcast April 4, 2013 @ Free Speech Radio News on the Pacifica Network. FSRN broadcasts on 110 stations globally! Link to news report @ FSRN: News Report For Free Speech Radio News on the Pacifica Network fsrn.org pacifica.org Reporter: Mark Taylor-Canfield “Seattle’s city council questioned…