Bipartisan Congressional call to expedite the exit from Aghanistan
The Honorable Barack Obama President of the United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear President Obama: Last week you visited Afghanistan to sign a Strategic Partnership Agreement. As you stated at Bagram Air Base, “this time of war began in Afghanistan, and this is where it will end.†The…
Corporations need to be better citizens
If you lived in a run-down house and all of a sudden your family got a lot of money, what would you do? Most people would think about fixing up the rickety front steps, replacing the leaky shower, and painting the back bedroom, for starters. But what if that new money came in the form…
You're so Bain
By BeauChiocchi
Occupy Graduation & new Doo-Occupy video (Cameo by Ben Cohen!)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch NEW Doo-Occupy Video with Guest Appearance by Ben Cohen! Sign-up to Occupy Graduation & order Balls-N-Chains for you and your friends! Creative Call for Student Debt Jubilee & Free Higher Education ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This music video was created as part of the Doo-Occupy to Bail Out America project, a collaboration instigated by the Backbone…
May Day In Seattle – Mayhem and Media Spin
On May 1st 2012 activists all around the globe gathered to celebrate May Day, a pagan holiday that has become a traditional date for insurrection and revolution. In 1886 the Haymarket Massacre in Chicago heralded a new era of uprisings by labor unions after a rally against police brutality turned violent. Workers at the McCormick…
InspireSeattle Social: "Transportation Issues", Sat., May 12th, 6:30pm
InspireSeattle invites YOU to join us at our Social Forum: Saturday, May 12th at 6:30PM. Main discussion topic for this evening: Transportation Issues in the Greater Seattle Region Wedged in between Puget Sound and Lake Washington, Seattle has long suffered from traffic congestion. With voters hesitant to make major investments in public transportation as the…
On Rob McKenna's Six Principles
GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob McKenna’s campaign website has Six Principles for a New Direction in State Budgeting Below I’ve added interpretations, suggested by Zach Smith an Walt Kloefkorn. Restore the Legislature’s role in collective bargaining (bust the unions) Reduce lawsuit abuse (strip Americans of their right to defend themselves in court) Introduce managed competition for…
Hollande Ousts Sarkozy in French Election
The French people kicked Sarkozy out! Â When people understand that ‘austerity’ really means ‘ripping off working people,’ they can do amazing things. The first thing Hollande plans to do is pull French troops out of Afghanistan. http://readersupportednews.org/news-section2/355-europe/11310-breaking-hollande-ousts-sarkozy-in-french-election For the French, “it is a leap of faith that shows there is a strong will for…
Poll: Were progressives who fell for Obama in 2008 foolish?
Many progressives who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 are now angry. They feel cheated and betrayed. They feel that President Obama failed to even try to live up to his promise to bring real change to Washington, D.C. President Barack Obama by public But some critics of progressives say that anyone who was taken…
The IRS allows the NFL, but not nonprofit journalism outlets, to register as nonprofits
FreePress.net and SaveTheNews.org are reporting The Internal Revenue Service considers the NFL — yes, the National Football League, home to gazillion-dollar salaries and revenues — a registered nonprofit!1 Meanwhile, dozens of nonprofit journalism outlets have been waiting for months or even years to attain the same status.2 (Maybe they should just get involved in organized…