Westlake Rally Tuesday 5PM, march to City Hall Wed morning
Tomorrow (Tuesday) Occupy CEHKC (the Campaign to End Homelessness in King County) is having a rally in Westlake Plaza downtown Seattle from 5PM to 7PM. Members of SAFE will be attending as part of the coalition. Some will be occupying Westlake for the night. Wednesday morning at 7:30AM members of Occupy CEHKC will march to…
Stop the Revolving Door for Monsanto: Sign the Credo petition
UPDATED – OVER 75,000 100,000 SIGNATURES! Whoo-Hoo! Ex-Senator Blanche Lincoln couldn’t say “No” to corporate money when she was in office and the same is true now. A longtime mouthpiece for WalMart, JPMorgan-Chase, and champion of the KeystoneXL pipeline, Blanche Lincoln is now reunited with another old Senate campaign sponsor, Monsanto. She needs to live…
Why conservatives hate public schools
A few months ago, I published an article Blame Poverty, not Public Schools on OpEdNews. A conservative (Bill Johnson) wrote a comment that I think is worth quoting. As I see it, a liberal is a socialist and most socialists are liberals. Both are democrats. Same thing. Same philosophy. And they wonder why conservatives don’t…
Does ballot counting “drag on†because we insist on all mail-in voting?
The election hasn’t even been certified yet, and already Rosenthal and the Seattle Times are calling for the disenfranchisement of Democrats, and (this year) of voters further left than Democrats. Why the counting drags on long after King County voting is over It’s like clockwork—after every election, someone is sure to publish the silly and…
We Don’t Need a $12B Transportation Package
by Jennifer Langston King County should save Metro on its own. Earlier this year, the US House of Representatives—a body that has shut down the government over health care reform, taken a hatchet to food stamps, opposed regulating greenhouse gases, and held immigration legislation hostage—still managed to support a federal transportation bill that devoted roughly 20…
On Kshama Sawant's likely win in Seattle
According to the Washington State Democrats Endorsement finder, Richard Conlin got the endorsement of all of the Democratic Party organizations. “Endorsed by King, 11th, 32nd, 34th, 36th, 37th, 43rd, 46th” I think it’s time for us to do some soul searching. Not just because our electoral infrastructure might not be up to the task in…
Opposition to the Boeing deal
Senator Bob Hasegawa explains his opposition to the Governor’s bill to extend tax breaks to Boeing: http://blog.senatedemocrats.wa.gov/hasegawa/hasegawa-explains-vote-against-boeing-tax-cuts/ Hasegawa said the bill is being rushed; there are 9 billion dollars at stake. There’s insufficient data to back up the claims of a 3-to-1 return on investments. There’s no guarantee that Boeing won’t make room for 777…
Dollarocracy: John Nichols and Robert McChesney speak at Seattle Town Hall
Monday evening I went to a great Town Hall in Seattle with John Nichols and Robert McChesney. The topic was Dollarocracy: how money has corrupted politics. Dollarocracy is their name for what’s become of America’s democracy.  Instead of one person, one vote, we now have one dollar, one vote. Jimmy Carter was overheard saying that…