Steven Hill: Fixing the American Workforce (Seattle, Dec 7, 2015)

Uber, TaskRabbit, Airbnb, and other companies are putting capitalist ventures in the hands of the consumer–but how much do these companies really benefit American workers? According to veteran journalist Steven Hill (Europe’s Promise), the answer is not at all. Hill argues that, more than anything, these new tech-based, easy-money, sharing enterprises are doing great harm….

WA State Rep. Gael Tarleton at Take Back Your Time Day!

Washington State Representative Gael Tarleton speaks the Seattle TAKE BACK YOUR TIME DAY picnic about why she introduced a paid vacation bill in the Washington legislature and the need to protect the rights of working Americans and the middle class. CELEBRATION Picnic at Gasworks Park, for Take Back Your Time Day! –and the 75th Anniversary…

Glen Anderson: Military "Solutions" Are Really the PROBLEM

Glen Anderson: Military “Solutions” Are Really the PROBLEM- a workshop given at Fellowship of Reconciliation of Oregon and Washington’ annual conference at Seabeck, July 4th 2015. Military ‘Solutions’ Are Really the PROBLEM. Choose humane, sustainable ways for TRUE Security. In our daily lives, we know better than to think violence solves problems, but at the…