Washington Liberals

Stop the Revolving Door for Monsanto: Sign the Credo petition

UPDATED – OVER 75,000 100,000 SIGNATURES! Whoo-Hoo!

Ex-Senator Blanche Lincoln couldn’t say “No” to corporate money when she was in office and the same is true now. A longtime mouthpiece for WalMart, JPMorgan-Chase, and champion of the KeystoneXL pipeline, Blanche Lincoln is now reunited with another old Senate campaign sponsor, Monsanto.

She needs to live up to the Lincoln name and let Government be “Of the People, By the People, and For the People” not Of, By and For the Corporations. Let’s tell her to to kick the corporate habit, dump Monsanto and friends, andfind something positive to do with her time!

Tell Ex-Senator Blanche Lincoln, “Stop Influence Peddling for Monsanto!

What we want:
Former Senator Blanche Lincoln couldn’t say “No” to corporate money when she was in office and the same is true now. A longtime mouthpiece for WalMart, JPMorgan-Chase, and champion of the KeystoneXL pipeline. Blanche Lincoln is now reunited with another old Senate campaign sponsor, i.e. Monsanto.

Blanche Lincoln needs to live up to the Lincoln name and let Government be “Of the People, By the People, and For the People” not Of, By and For the Corporations. Let’s tell her to to kick the corporate habit, dump Monsanto and friends, andfind something positive to do with her time!

Tell Ex-Senator Blanche Lincoln, “Stop Influence Peddling for Monsanto and find something positive to do!” SIGN PETITION HERE

Why is this important?

Influence peddling bears the stench of corruption because IT IS CORRUPTION. It de-legitimizes the very essence of our democratic republic. News broke recently that Monsanto – one of the most influential corporations in Washington – hired the former U.S. Senator’s lobbying firm, the Lincoln Policy Group to do it’s bidding in Washington.

Former Senator Blanche Lincoln, who served as the Chairwoman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, is cashing in on the connections she made posing as a public servant in the United States Senate. To make matters worse, Lincoln’s lobbying firm has hired her former staffer Robert Holifield, who served as the director on the Senate Agriculture, as a partner at her lobbying firm. This shows that Senator Lincoln is going beyond using her own connections she developed as a Senator to cash in – she’s actively recruiting former Congressional staff to join her.

Monsanto is clearly already far too influential in the halls of Congress, as evidenced by the “Monsanto Protection Act.” This legislation, which was anonymously added to a must-pass budget bill in March, allows Monsanto to ignore food safety laws and disregard court opinions.
Creative Tactics Against Monsanto's Evil Plans
Cashing in on her public service by helping massive corporations like Monsanto gut food safety, public health and transparency laws is just WRONG. The public’s only recourse is to make this kind of shameful behavior uncomfortable and toxic to their wellbeing. Take this opportunity to make a massive public outcry.

Let’s persuade Lincoln and those like her to reverse course, dump Monsanto and find honest work that doesn’t sell out the democracy we strive to be.

Tell Ex-Senator Blanche Lincoln, “Stop Influence Peddling for Monsanto and find something positive to do!”  SIGN PETITION HERE

Commentary about Blanche Lincoln on the Young Turks

Monsanto Hires Former Sen. Blanche Lincoln As Lobbyist

Senator Blanche Lincoln’s top 100 donors (corporate sponsors) at Open Secrets.

Support the Backbone Campaign at HERE 

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