Carbon Pricing and Northwest Businesses
This post is 14 in the series: Cashing In Our Carbon, from SightLine Daily. Many business owners and workers worry that carbon pricing will hurt local economies. They need to know: How would carbon pricing affect businesses and job creation in Washington and Oregon? In particular, how would it affect energy-intensive businesses that compete in national…
Orgasm, Inc. The Strange Science of Female Pleasure
This humorous documentary offers a behind-the-scenes look into the ploy by pharmaceutical companies to create a new disease for profit – “female sexual dysfunction.” It illustrates how people are manipulated into thinking they have a physical problem to increase revenues for Big Pharma. Open discussion will be kicked off by Susan Traff, a licensed mental…
We're All Responsible for Climate Change
Every one of us in the Western world has contributed to climate change. – Bill McKibben, American environmentalist, author, and journalist Recently, I organized a couple of events with the goal of showing people how their choices and actions can make a real difference in the effort to end our dependence on fossil fuels like…
Increase wages to protect Social Security Trust Fund
This week the Social Security Trustees reported that our FICA contributions plus interest, net of all benefits paid out, have increased the Social Security Trust Fund by $32 billion. The trustees also forecast that Social Security benefits are completely sustainable for the next two decades. The media hasn’t played these reports up much, perhaps because…
A follow-up on why I became a socialist
Of the responses to my recent essay, “Why I Became a Socialist,†I received this one negative reaction. I believe my reply to Mr. Wynman will help clarify the questions. I believe we need a revolution, hopefully a peaceable one. Unfortunately, those in control, when they feel threatened, will cause the violence when people get…
Why Washington State Should Adopt a BC-style Carbon Tax
Editor’s Note: Washington’s Carbon Emissions Reduction Taskforce is on the job, weighing alternative carbon-pricing proposals. Some members of the panel have asked what our ideal policy would be for Washington State. Yoram Bauman shares his thoughts today. Alan Durning will share his argument for a California-style cap-and-trade system, with key modifications, another day. If I…
Brian Gunn testifies at an EPA hearing
Victory at the Barton's blockade!
Thanks to the fighting spirit of Jean and Byron Barton, last week SAFE members were able to stop their eviction from taking place. The blockade lasted 5 days, and ended in a final push to City Hall to demand justice for the Bartons. Thanks to the Seattle Mayor’s office, the Bartons are now safely in their home…
Videos from PNHPWW meeting on health care: Jim McDermott, Kshama Sawant, others
The Western Washington Chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program held its Ninth Annual Public Meeting on Saturday, July 19th, at Kane Hall, on the University of Washington Campus. The theme of the meeting was: Health Care is a Human Right: Making It Real in Washington State. Here are videos of the speakers: •Health…