Recognizing a Tyrant

Symptoms by which you may recognize a tyrant: 1. Fears losing their position; actions driven by this fear 2. Attempts to rise above the rule of law 3. Does not accept criticism 4. Cannot be called to account for their actions 5. Does not listen to advice from those who do not curry favor 6….

Supporting the Solar Incentive Bill HB2346 in Senate

The Solar Extension bill HB 2346 is alive and is now in the Senate.  It supports the Solar industry in Washington state by helping to make an installation more affordable up front. The Bill will have a committee (Senate Energy, Environment and Telecommunications Committee)  hearing on Wednesday, February 24.  To get out of this committee…

I-1329: A Lesson in Failure

I-1329 failed to make it to the ballot. I can’t say that I am surprised or even disappointed. It is certainly true that we need to undo the damage to democracy inflicted by dozens of Supreme Court decisions over the past hundred years or more, including recent decisions such as Citizens United and McCutcheon. MoveToAmend (MTA) has…

Protest Rep. Dave Reichert's opposition to a minimum wage vote

Last year House Republicans unanimously voted to block an increase in the minimum wage. This year they’re blocking a vote from even being scheduled, despite overwhelming public support and the millions of families it would lift out of poverty. Meanwhile they continue to support tax cuts for the super rich and corporations that ship jobs…

Testimony on establishing a state bank for the cannibas industry

I testified today in support of Bob Hasegawa‘s S.B. 5955 which would establish a State Bank to create a financing infrastructure for the cannabis industry. My testimony begins at time mark 29:15 in the linked video. The audience enjoyed my characterization of Wall Street banksters as the real criminals that we should be worried about….

Free Public Screening of the Film "Inequality for All", Jan 25 in Federal Way

Saturday, January 25, 2014, 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM Federal Way Regional Library, 34200 1st Way S., Federal Way, WA (map) A passionate argument on behalf of the middle class, this film features Robert Reich–professor, best-selling author, and former Clinton cabinet member–as he demonstrates how the widening income gap has had a devastating impact on…