Washington Liberals

Author: JGlennEvans

  • A follow-up on why I became a socialist

    Of the responses to my recent essay, “Why I Became a Socialist,” I received this one negative reaction.  I believe my reply to Mr. Wynman will help clarify the questions.  I believe we need a revolution, hopefully a peaceable one.  Unfortunately, those in control, when they feel threatened, will cause the violence when people get…

  • Why I became a Socialist

    I spent most of my life a devout capitalist and over 20 years as stockbroker and investment banker. Today I am a Socialist. As the years went by, I observed the amoral practices of capitalism that rigged the system in the absence of regulation. The system forced otherwise good people into that mold because they…


    Many people strongly support 15 Now, but some seemingly have gotten on the 15 Now bandwagon, including some people who always oppose propositions favorable to working people.  Don’t be fooled by some of this fake support.  They know labor is waking up and will no longer tolerate a less than living wage.  Labor has come…

  • A manifesto for We the People, in honor of Nelson Mandela

    Dedicated to the memory of Nelson Mandela who died on December 5, 2013 at the age of 95.  He led Africa’s struggle for freedom and justice.  A hero to millions, he will be mourned around the world.   We the People need to speak truth to power.  We need to be heard.  We need to…

  • Out of the dark

    It was a cold night.  A fine sleet pelted me as I walked down Seneca towards town to do some last minute shopping.  Walking on the north side of the street, I approached 6th Avenue where cars came roaring off the freeway.  I wasn’t paying much attention as I looked straight ahead, hoping to make…

  • Review of Donald Guitierrez's Feeling the Unthinkable

    This is a recent review on Donald Gutierrez’s new book, Feeling The Unthinkable that I wanted to call to your attention.  I sincerely believe that this book should be read by every American concerned about where our country is headed. J. Glenn Evans FEELING THE UNTHINKABLE By DONALD GUTIERREZ AMADOR PUBLISHERS, LLC 611 Delamar Ave…

  • Syria: Nation and Region in Crisis, discussion in Seattle on Friday, June 28

    The crisis in Syria is escalating to very dangerous levels. If Americans don’t want to see a repeat of the disaster unleashed in Iraq, we urge you to attend this very important presentation organized by Richard Silverstein, author and blogger of Tikun Olam. He will be joined by Rita Zawaideh, Arab-American humanitarian relief activist. More…

  • Alternative to the Democratic Party

    Below is the address I made at the University of Washington the 30th of January 2013 before a meeting of the Socialist Alternative Party.  It reflects my thoughts on where we are today and what we must do to redeem the dream of a true democracy that our founding fathers set out to create for…

  • Progressive Coalition Building: Sat 4pm in Seattle

    PoetsWest Poets for Justice in association with JPWA (Justice Party of Washington State) is hosting a meeting on “Progressive Coalition Building – 2012 and Beyond” this Saturday May 19, 2012 at 4pm at the Green Lake Library, 7364 E Greenlake Drive North, Seattle. There will be a statewide conference call via Skype with Rocky Anderson,…

  • Why join the Justice Party and support Rocky Anderson for President

    Remember hearing in grade school, “That’s not fair.”  That’s what justice is all about.  Our so call Justice System should really be called our Injustice system.  Over and over poor people, people of color, both brown and black, go to jail for years in many cases for petty and nonviolent crimes when compared to the…