Sunday Roundup

I was wrong about the rightness of military action in Libya. Military action simply can’t remain defensive. Gaddafi’s son and three grandchildren were killed by a Nato strike. We are killing children. I get that Gaddafi has to be persuaded to release his powerful hold on Libya’s politics. The military approach only knows one way….

The Invisible Hand — A case study in stripping American citizens of their rights

New questions on election transparency have surfaced in New Hampshire, where the powerful First-In-The-Nation presidential primary will take place in 2012. If New Hampshire is to have its thumb on the scale in presidential politics, transparency needs to be an absolute requirement. In a bizarre chain of events, nontransparency was entered surreptitiously into a New…

Summary of bills to eliminate tax loopholes

A cluster of bills introduced into the Washington State House and Senate would raise revenue for vital human needs by eliminating tax exemptions.  The main obstacle to eliminating exemptions is Tim Eyman’s (unconstitutional) I-1053 and its 2/3 super-majority requirement on legislative votes to raise revenue. The House bills, HB-2078, HB-2087, and HB-2102,  overlap.  HB-2078 would…

Seattle NWroots Conference July 9th

July 9th, there will be a one day Seattle conference for grass roots activists, public policy junkies, politicians, and other liberally minded individuals. The event, which will be held in Pioneer Square, will feature keynote speaker Ujjal Dosanjh. Mr. Dosanjh currently represents Vancouver-South in Parliament, is a former premier and attorney general of British Columbia,…