Charter Schools foundation associated with ALEC, Jeb Bush, corporations that benefit
E-mails link Bush foundation, corporations and education officials: The e-mails are between the Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE) and a group Bush set up called Chiefs for Change, whose members are current and former state education commissioners who support Bush’s agenda of school reform, which includes school choice, online education, retention of third-graders who…
Ron Paul Invites Neo-Confederate Witness to Testify in Congress
The Southern Poverty Law Center reports: Ron Paul Invites Neo-Confederate Witness to Testify in Congress This morning, U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) hosted his first hearing as chairman of the House subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve, the nation’s central bank. Paul wants to look at the institution’s impact on job creation and the unemployment…
Testimony Regarding HB 1085 to Establish Single Payer Health Care in the State of Washington
Submitted by Martha Koester, PhD, Board Member, Health Care for All – Washington I currently reside in the 34th legislative district, and I advocate that the state legislature pass HB 1085/SB 5224 to implement single payer health care in Washington State. Laws and budgets reflect our moral values as citizens. Our civic values are rooted…
King Tom Watch
Check out King Tom Watch That page is the work of Fuse Washington; see http://whois.domaintools.com/kingtomwatch.com Similar to my idea from Dec 14:
Gun Nuts' Fantasies
I saw a facebook post by gun nuts who suspect the Sandy Hook massacre was faked in order to restrict gun rights. Here’s the image they posted: “This whole SANDY HOOK situation is really the event which sparked the latest restrictions on whether people can or cannot protect themselves using firearms… I am very interested…
Working Washington targets Starbucks
Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz made his baristas in Washington DC write political slogans on their customers’ cups. His goal was to push the 1% message—lower tax rates for the rich and cut budgets for everyone else. We got our own message for Schultz and his 1% buddies. We don’t want the 1% pushing their agenda…
Report on League of Education Voters forum in Issaquah
On Tuesday, I attended a forum in Issaquah on education funding, organized by the League of Education Voters. The main speakers were Rep. Ross Hunter — Democratic chair of the House Ways and Means (budget) Committee — and Republican State Senator Steve Litzow of the 41st LD. Ross Hunter (D-48th LD) Steve Litzow (R-41st LD)…
New Year’s resolution for Washingtonians: help Texas secede
Dear Texas, Howdy! We here in Washington State have heard tell that you’re itchin’ to leave the Union now that the renegade Marxist/Muslim/Kenyan Black man who wants to take away your guns, close down your churches, and force you to marry your dope-smoking gay neighbor has been re-elected. And since we pinko liberals are…
Senate Bill (SB-5062) aimed at Criminalizing Squatting in Foreclosed Homes
ACTION REQUIRED BY THE PEOPLE Senate Bill (SB-5062) aimed at Criminalizing Squatting in Foreclosed Homes The digest of this bill reads: “SB 5062 zz- DIGEST Clarifies the law to provide additional tools to courts, law enforcement, and communities to deal with the threat that squatters pose on foreclosed property. Provides that a person is guilty…