Ciber the Briber, and other electoral laundry
A few weeks ago, I decided to examine electoral fraud from the other end. What happens if we start with known public corruption cases and work backwards to the intersection with elections? What I found were kickbacks and bid-rigging schemes in New Orleans and Pennsylvania which both connect back to Ciber, the Independent Testing Authority…
Faith Action Network calls for new revenue and tax fairness
The State Senate’s Budget: Cutting the Lifeline The State Senate unveiled its $33.2 billion two-year operating budget today, sweeping $180 million out of the Disability Lifeline cash grant and moving it to Housing and Essential Needs (HEN). There was also the expected shift of $1 billion in new money into basic education, higher ed and…
Some conclusions about Washington State legislators
In Who’s progressive in the Washington State House? — based on combined data from five scorecards and in Who’s progressive in the Washington State Senate? — based on combined data from five scorecards, I presented a score for each Washington State legislator based on component scores assigned by conservation, labor, women’s rights, racial justice, and…
Tell lawmakers in Olympia to Close the Big Oil tax loophole!
Washington Conservation Voters reports: Governor Inslee announced his 2013-2015 budget. With it, Governor Inslee draws a line in the sand: He has proposed to close the Big Oil tax loophole that gives away $41 million each biennium to out-of-state oil companies! Will you join Governor Inslee in standing up to Big Oil? Add your name…
Northwest Democracy Convergence: Move to Amend conference in Portland May 3-5
Are you ready to join us for our Regional Grassroots Democracy Convergence in Portland, Oregon, May 3-5? REGISTER TODAY! This event will bring you together with Move to Amend activists and supporters from throughout the surrounding region, and will be a valuable opportunity to: ★ Receive training in the skills you’ll need to organize more…
April Fool’s Report – State of The Nation
Originally Published @ Daily Kos http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/04/01/1198356/-April-Fool-s-Report-State-of-The-Nation?detail=hide Now that Republicans have gained complete control of both houses of the US Congress and the White House, our esteemed leader and former governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney can finally get down to the work of rigging the elections and turning the treasury over to big business interests –…
Report on Adam Smith Town Hall in Newcastle: centrism rules
Only about 40 people showed up at Rep. Adam Smith’s Town Hall Meeting in Newcastle on Thursday evening. Smith said that Americans are deeply in denial about the choices we face. When polled, people say they want the same or more government spending on education, health care, research, etc., and even the military. But nobody…
Learning How To Belly Tranche
“JP Morgan is one of the best-managed banks there is….” — President Barack Obama, May 14, 2012 Within the rarefied echelons of finance capital dwell civilization’s most brilliant minds: men and women of such profound intellect that those of us who reside at their feet are left to envy their genius. O, what wondrous thoughts…
Who's progressive in the Washington State House? — based on combined data from five scorecards
A few days ago I published Who’s progressive in the Washington State Senate? — based on combined data from four scorecards. Below is the similar ranking for Washington State House members. Here is the list of five scorecards on which the ranking is based: Washington Conservation Voters Legislative Scorecard 2011-2012 Washington State Labor Council 2012…