Better off without'em
Chuck Thompson’s witty and fact-laden book Better off without’em: a Northern Manifesto for Souther Secession make a serious case for allowing the South to secede from the union. He asks, “Why in the hell does the United States … allow the government to be held hostage by a coalition of bought-and-paid-for political swamp scum from…
MoveToAmend forum on Creating Democracy and Challenging Corporate Rule, Sept 28 7PM in Seattle
MoveToAmend announces: You are invited to attend a WAmend sponsored community forum on “Creating Democracy and Challenging Corporate Rule.” The event will be held at 7:00 PM on Saturday, September 28, at the University Temple United Methodist Church, 1415 NE 43rd (just west of the UW campus) in Seattle. The evening will kick off with…
Please attend hearings on the state transportation budget, starting with Bellevue this Tuesday
During this year’s legislative session, the State Senate, under control of the Republicans and Rodney Tom, rejected the $10 billion state transportation budget passed by the House (House Bill 1954 and House Bill 1955). Republicans voiced opposition to the proposed $0.10/gallon sales tax, to prevailing wage requirements, to mass transit, and to environmental regulations.  This despite considerable…
Why to oppose Summers: a resolution
A Resolution Opposing the Appointment of Larry Summers as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Whereas the current term for the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, will end in early 2014 requiring President Obama to nominate a successor and the US Senate to confirm him or her, and Whereas the Federal Reserve, since its…
Libertarians who get rich from the government
In 11 Questions You Should Ask Libertarians to See if They’re Hypocrites Richard (RJ) Eskow describes how libertarianism in America was raised from the grave by billionaire benefactors, such as the Koch brothers, who were eager to justify the lower taxes and deregulation that have crashed our economy and concentrated wealth in the hands of…
On Jim McDermott's Town Hall about Syria
Sunday night Rep. Jim McDermott met with constituents to discuss the situation in Syria. McDermott is “very strongly” leaning against voting for the so-called “limited response,” comparing it to the misguided attack on Iraq. Such adventures have unintended consequences, even if the architects have the noblest of intentions. McDermott is worried about the long-term consequences…
Voice your opposition to the wars
Click here to record a message to our lawmakers voicing your opposition to the war-mongering and imperialism. I’ll compile the voice recordings into a group performance.
Rep. Adam Smith expresses skepticism about Syrian war
Kudos to Rep. Adam Smith (WA – 9th CD) for expressing serious doubts about the wisdom of war in Syria in this NPR interview. Everybody blames us for everything over there. And I think we need to take a step back and say look, we don’t have the support of the Arab League on this.…
Jim McDermott holding meeting on Syria this Sunday
Dear Friends, In the past week, I have received hundreds of calls from constituents about a possible military action in Syria. It’s a serious issue that deserves a public debate, and while I have heard from President Obama and his national security team, I need to hear from you. I will be asked to vote…
Senior Republican economist calls for a Carbon Tax
Nicholas Gregory Mankiw was “chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President George W. Bush. In 2006, he became an economic adviser to Mitt Romney and continued during Romney’s 2012 presidential bid.” (source: wikipedia) In an opinion piece in the New York Times, Mankiw , who is Chair of the Economics Department at Harvard…