Feedback to Governor Inslee on what's needed

Please vote for this idea on Governor Inslee’s suggestion page. Governor Inslee has a comment form where citizens can make suggestions and vote on ideas for improving the state.  It says “Governor Inslee: “I’m working to make sure Washington has a prosperous economy, world-class schools, sustainable energy and a clean environment, healthy and safe communities,…

John Green's engaging and informative analysis of US health care (video)

ORIGINAL: By the incomparable John Green, who says the following about his sources: “For a much more thorough examination of health care expenses in America, I recommend this series at The Incidental Economist and The Commonwealth Fund’s Study of Health Care Prices in the U.S. Some of the stats in this video also come from…

The "Majority Coalition" hearing on transportation, in Bellevue

There was an overflowing crowd at Tuesday night’s Transportation Forum in Bellevue, organized by the “Majority Coalition.” Senators Curtis King, Tracey Eide, and Rodney Tom officiated, with numerous other public officials in attendance, including Senator Steve Litzow, Rep. Larry Springer, Rep. Ross Hunter, and Rep. Tanna Senn. Many politicians testified, including King County Chair Dow…

Better off without'em

Chuck Thompson’s witty and fact-laden book Better off without’em: a Northern Manifesto for Souther Secession make a serious case for allowing the South to secede from the union. He asks, “Why in the hell does the United States … allow the government to be held hostage by a coalition of bought-and-paid-for political swamp scum from…

MoveToAmend forum on Creating Democracy and Challenging Corporate Rule, Sept 28 7PM in Seattle

MoveToAmend announces: You are invited to attend a WAmend sponsored community forum on “Creating Democracy and Challenging Corporate Rule.” The event will be held at 7:00 PM on Saturday, September 28, at the University Temple United Methodist Church, 1415 NE 43rd (just west of the UW campus) in Seattle. The evening will kick off with…

Please attend hearings on the state transportation budget, starting with Bellevue this Tuesday

During this year’s legislative session, the State Senate, under control of the Republicans and Rodney Tom,  rejected the $10 billion state transportation budget passed by the House (House Bill 1954 and House Bill 1955).  Republicans voiced opposition to the proposed $0.10/gallon sales tax, to prevailing wage requirements, to mass transit, and to environmental regulations.   This despite considerable…