Washington Liberals

Feedback to Governor Inslee on what's needed

Please vote for this idea on Governor Inslee’s suggestion page.

Governor Inslee has a comment form where citizens can make suggestions and vote on ideas for improving the state.  It says “Governor Inslee: “I’m working to make sure Washington has a prosperous economy, world-class schools, sustainable energy and a clean environment, healthy and safe communities, and an efficient government. How do you think we can best achieve these goals? Share your ideas and feedback in our interactive Results Washington online forum.”  Here’s the suggestion I submitted:

The state’s revenue problems would be greatly eased if rich people paid state taxes at a rate equal to or greater than the middle class and poor people. The state relies on the regressive sales tax and on the B&O tax (which favors large corporations). Furthermore, rich companies such as Microsoft and Boeing arranged sweetheart deals exempting themselves from many state taxes.

The citizens were given a chance to institute a high earners’ income tax, but they voted against their own self-interest and rejected it (I-1098).

Governor Inslee and other leaders need to educate the public about this issue so that we can pay for education, social services, transportation and other needs. Also, more progressives taxes would ease the increasing concentration of wealth.

Visit Our ideas. Your feedback. Your government and vote for my suggestion if you like it.

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