Poll shows strong support for repealing WA tax breaks to fund Basic Health

From the Democratic Underground: The ElderCare Alliance included a question in the statewide Elway Poll conducted last week with regard to the new proposal to repeal a set of tax breaks and use the money generated to fund the Basic Health Care Program. The question describes the plan contained in House Bill 1847 introduced by…

Summary of bills to eliminate tax loopholes

A cluster of bills introduced into the Washington State House and Senate would raise revenue for vital human needs by eliminating tax exemptions.  The main obstacle to eliminating exemptions is Tim Eyman’s (unconstitutional) I-1053 and its 2/3 super-majority requirement on legislative votes to raise revenue. The House bills, HB-2078, HB-2087, and HB-2102,  overlap.  HB-2078 would…

You gotta choose your battles

How progressive should a group like Washington Liberals be?  If it’s too progressive — too anti-war, too hard on centrist Dems, too uncompromising, and too open to certain controversial views (such as Palestinian grievances) — then it risks alienating potential allies.  On the other hand, if it’s too conventional, fearful and meek, it’ll betray progressive…