Edwin Lyman on Fukushima and US risks from nuclear power plants

Edwin Lyman is Senior Global Security Scientist with the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). He specializes in nuclear proliferation, nuclear terrorism,and nuclear power safety and security  He spoke to Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility and other sponsors in Seattle October 6 2014 at Common Good Cafe. Dr. Lyman, with a PhD in Physics from Cornell…


Wasted trillions of dollars on corrupt, disastrous wars. Slashed taxes for rich people. Deregulated Wall Street and banking, causing the 2008 market crash. Continue to oppose regulation of Wall Street. Allow corporations to move profits and jobs overseas. Oppose funding of the IRS to investigate tax evasion. Gerrymander election districts and enact voter-id and other…

Quickie, on the corporate plan to destroy public education

A quotation from The Plot Against Public Education: How millionaires and billionaires are ruining our schools: Stephanie Simon, writing for Reuters in the summer of 2012, captured the excitement of investors eager to pounce: “The investors gathered in a tony private club in Manhattan were eager to hear about the next big thing, and education…

The “Race to the Top” mentality is creating an economy – and society – where only the winners matter

One of the things I do in the fall is volunteer as a coach for cross country runners at Ballard High School. I usually end up coaching the kids at the end of the pack. That’s how it should be. Because with cross country, it’s not just about the fastest runners, it is also about…