Donald Trump dreams of a “White” Christmas
I’m dreaming of a “white” Christmas With every Fascist I appoint Where we fill the prisons And people listen to skinheads marching in the streets. I’m dreaming of a white Christmas with every stupid tweet I write. May my policies help the wealthy and the white And may there be no Latinos or Muslims in…
Trump’s totally unqualified judicial nominee can’t answer basic questions
Watch one of Trump's judicial nominees struggle to answer basic legal questions during a Senate committee hearing pic.twitter.com/7CGhwHgjr0 — Business Insider (@BusinessInsider) December 15, 2017
“Fiscal responsibility”?
President Clinton left GW Bush with a $230 billion dollar SURPLUS. Some economists worried we were going to pay down the debt TOO FAST. Bush left Obama with a $1.3 TRILLION dollar annual deficit. Even though Obama cut that deficit by more than half, Republicans were screaming bloody murder for 8 YEARS about the outrageous…
Never forget
Mikel Jollet’s tweet: Never forget, After Roy Moore said gay people should be put in jail, After he said the country was better off under slavery, After he said Muslims have no place in public life, Even after he was outed as a serial pedophile, The @GOP ENDORSED him and FUNDED his campaign.
USAToday editorializes: Trump unfit to clean toilets in Obama’s presidential library
“A president who’d all but call a senator a whore is unfit to clean toilets in Obama’s presidential library or to shine George W. Bush’s shoes: ” in Will Trump’s lows ever hit rock bottom?
Quickie link: The GOP has become a dangerous cult
The GOP has become a dangerous cult
GOP Tax Plan: raise taxes on the middle class, students and the elderly, so the rich can get yet more tax breaks
The GOP Plan Is the Biggest Tax Increase in American History, By Far The big deficits in GOP tax plan aren’t a glitch — they’re the whole point. “Slashing taxes is going to cause big budget deficits. But the reason Republicans don’t really care is because they can use the resulting fiscal crisis to go…
Who funded Washington State campaigns and initiatives in 2016 and 2017?
I downloaded from the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission a spreadsheet listing contributions to political campaigns and initiatives. After loading it into a database, I ran some queries to see who’s spending the most. Over $60 million was donated to campaigns and initiatives in 2017, according to the PDC data. In 2016, over $144 million…