Quickie: Ex-Bush Insider Colonel Wilkerson Willing To Testify Against Bush And Cheney

Hope this is true. Hope something comes of it. Unlikely given the preference of the President to coddle the GOP. Ex-Bush Insider Colonel Wilkerson Willing To Testify Against Bush And Cheney Wilkerson also said: George W. Bush ‘knew Guantánamo prisoners were innocent’ Those bastards need, like the rest of the GOP, to be held accountable….

A Cautionary Tale from New Orleans (pronounce Nawlins, please)

I got email from DOJ – civil rights division that two NO police officers were sentenced in the killing of Raymond Robair: Department of Justice Office of Public Affairs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, September 15, 2011 Two Former New Orleans Police Officers Sentenced in Connection with the Death of Raymond Robair WASHINGTON – Two former…

Plowshares activist released from prison; promptly arrested for alleged probation violation

A Plowshares activist was released today after serving the majority of her sentence, only to be promptly arrested for allegedly violating the terms of her probation. Lynne Greenwald was released earlier today from the SeaTac Federal Detention Center in Washington State after serving five and a half months of a six month sentence for her…

Quickie: Rick Perry presided over the execution of an innocent man.

Rick Perry presided over the execution of an innocent man “As Governor of Texas, Rick Perry oversaw the execution of an innocent man. But the media is failing to do its job and make Perry account for his role in this terrible injustice. The facts are pretty damning. Cameron Todd Willingham was executed for intentionally…

On Fixing The World, Or, Help George Carlin Stick It To God

Once again The Fates have come our way to provide a story, and once again, we have a contender for the “Ironic Story Of The Year”. It’s got everything you need for serious irony: an irascible comedian who mocked religion at every opportunity, a city that loved him, and the rich coincidence of his having…