Get The Money Out of Politics Free Lunch – Occupy Election Fundraising (Bellevue, Friday)
Friday February 17th, 2012 @ Noon – Bellevue Washington Bellevue Downtown Park, 10201 Northeast 4th Street President Barrack Obama will be in Bellevue collecting a wheelbarrow of money. – The Election Money Lunch with President Barrack Obama is sold out. So we have decided to have a free lunch for all of us unable to…
Ask your legislators to oppose anti-environment bill SB 6406
The Environmental Priorities Coalition says: SB 6406 would gut the Growth Management Act (the law that protects our state from sprawl), make several major policy changes to the State Environmental Policy Act, and now potentially delay laws that would prevent toxic stormwater runoff from entering Puget Sound and waterways across the state. Â Special interests are…
Black Bloc 201
For folks who have not been present at non-violent demonstrations it may be helpful to understand that the original black block is the riot police who come out and assault non-violent demonstrators in a wholesale fashion. Some pretty peaceful and peace-loving folks have been assaulted by the police. Some of you may know Dorli Rainey…
Money and Banking Explained in a Few Minutes
But could not be done in American. I am not sure, but this sounds like French to me. More propaganda from Old Europe? maybe… Thanks to friends at Public Banking for this info.
Support Reproductive Parity Act: Thurs in Olympia and call senators
Exciting news! The Washington House passed the Reproductive Parity Act (HB 2330) last night by a vote of 52-46! This victory would not have been possible without your calls and emails and your attendance at legislative hearings and our Reproductive Health and Rights Lobby Day. THANK YOU! And thank you to the 52 representatives who stood up…
Link: Let's Get Bradley Manning the Nobel Peace Prize
Let’s Get Bradley Manning the Nobel Peace Prize
Action: Welcome Obama, urge him to RELEASE BRADLEY MANNING, Friday, February 17, 11 a.m., Downtown Bellevue
President Obama will be in Bellevue this Friday, 2/17.  Please join members of the Eastside peace and justice community to urge Obama to release Bradley Manning. Please also  bring your “NO WAR in IRAN” banners, your “Reinstate Glass-Steagle”, “Get $ out of Politics” signs, and your “Justice Party for Rocky Anderson” banners, etc. Who:  We…
Common Dreams: States Settle for…a Poke in the Eye
States Settle for…a Poke in the Eye “The $26 billion settlement that state authorities wrangled out of the nation’s five biggest banks amounts to peanuts compared to the damage that was done to homeowners across the country.”
Australian rapper – Occupy concept album
Australian rapper Potential has released his debut mixtape which is inspired by and dedicated to the Occupy movement. Each track relates to real current affairs such as the Arab Spring, the Occupy protests, the tension between Islam and the West, media empire bias, slavery and racism. I want to try open the eyes of Generation…
King County Dems Legislative Action Day: Feb 20th
We are more than halfway through the short 60-day election-year legislative session, which is scheduled to end March 8th. Whether or not the Legislature will close the $1.4 billion budget gap, and put us on a more sustainable trajectory, is a tossup. Clearly, it’s time to trek to Olympia and make our opinions known, especially…