Ask your legislators to oppose anti-environment bill SB 6406

The Environmental Priorities Coalition says: SB 6406 would gut the Growth Management Act (the law that protects our state from sprawl), make several major policy changes to the State Environmental Policy Act, and now potentially delay laws that would prevent toxic stormwater runoff from entering Puget Sound and waterways across the state.  Special interests are…

Black Bloc 201

For folks who have not been present at non-violent demonstrations it may be helpful to understand that the original black block is the riot police who come out and assault non-violent demonstrators in a wholesale fashion. Some pretty peaceful and peace-loving folks have been assaulted by the police. Some of you may know Dorli Rainey…

Support Reproductive Parity Act: Thurs in Olympia and call senators

Exciting news! The Washington House passed the Reproductive Parity Act (HB 2330) last night by a vote of 52-46! This victory would not have been possible without your calls and emails and your attendance at legislative hearings and our Reproductive Health and Rights Lobby Day. THANK YOU! And thank you to the 52 representatives who stood up…

Action: Welcome Obama, urge him to RELEASE BRADLEY MANNING, Friday, February 17, 11 a.m., Downtown Bellevue

President Obama will be in Bellevue this Friday, 2/17.   Please join members of the Eastside peace and justice community to urge Obama to release Bradley Manning. Please also  bring your “NO WAR in IRAN” banners, your “Reinstate Glass-Steagle”, “Get $ out of Politics” signs, and your “Justice Party for Rocky Anderson” banners, etc. Who:  We…

Ex-Reagan Economist Bruce Bartlett on Where the Right Went Wrong

Quoting from the video page: (In this Moyers & Company segment, Bill Moyers talks with conservative economist Bruce Bartlett, who wrote “the bible” for the Reagan Revolution, worked on domestic policy for the Reagan White House, and served as a top treasury official under the first President Bush. Now he’s a heretic in the conservative circles where he…