Beautiful photo from Occupy Frankfurt: police leading protesters
Occupy Canada: reports: From Occupy Frankfurt. May 19, 2012. The German police took off their helmets and marched with the protest clearing the way for them. Thought you may like to have this image as well… The police coming over to serve and protect the people… Blockupy Frankfurt. Police are escorting, not participating. Reports of…
Great news: Amazon drops ALEC at company meeting in Seattle today
Our efforts worked:Â People for the American Way is reporting: “Huge news! Amazon.com is now the 16th major corporation to cut ties to the American Legislative Council (ALEC), according to reports.” Local and national groups have contributed to this effort.
Why I Don't Trust "Isms": Chris Hedges Versus The Black Bloc
Originally published by CounterPunch – Editor Jeffery St Clair http://www.counterpunch.org/2012/05/07/hedges-vs-the-black-bloc-round-two/ by MARK TAYLOR-CANFIELD A recent article by Chris Hedges is once again causing heated arguments among activists in the Occupy Wall Street movement. “Black Bloc: The Cancer in Occupy,†was published in his syndicated Truthdig.com column back in February, but folks are now talking about…
Caught Red-Handed – Selective Purge Set Up for Black Voters
Four hundred and eighty-eight voters, all but four lifelong Democrats, and nearly all Black, had their voting history erased by Shelby County (TN) election workers, setting them up for purge from the voter list. These selective alterations appear to target the race of US Congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN-09). To alter voting histories for a selected…
Resolution Opposing the Choice of Cory Booker as Keynote Speaker at the 2012 WA State Democratic Gala
WHEREAS the Mayor of Newark, New Jersey, Cory Booker,  has been invited to give the keynote speech at the 2012 WA State Democratic Convention gala event; and  WHEREAS the Obama campaign has recently released a very effective and hard-hitting ad attacking Romney’s Bain Capital for its practice of buying companies, gutting their assets and…
We are bringing Dr. Parenti to Olympia in October
I am pretty excited about having Michael Parenti do the keynote speaking event for the Fourth People’s Movement Assembly. Will post more about that soon, but for now, just want to share this Parenti video for folks who are not familiar with Dr. Parenti’s work. Enjoy!
Secede? Cascadia Project
About the Cascadia Porject: Cascadia is the proposed name for the independent state that would be formed by British Columbia, Washington and Oregon, were these states and province ever to successfully secede from their federal governments in Ottawa and Washington D.C.  It is also a unique coastal-mountain bioregion between San Francisco and the Alaskan panhandle in…
Raids On Journalists At NATO Protests – A Report on Chicago
by Mark Taylor Canfield Protest Marches Anti-war protesters at the NATO Summit in Chicago faced off with Chicago police all day on Sunday May 20th in a cat and mouse game that lasted late into the night. War veterans wanting to return their medals led a march of thousands early in the day. Later in…
Signs of improper campaigning in McKenna files
The Seattle P-I is reporting: AP: Signs of improper campaigning in McKenna files.
Dwight Pelz criticized for inviting Cory Booker to be keynote speaker at convention banquet
[This article co-written with David Spring] Washington State Democratic chair Dwight Pelz is coming under criticism on Democratic email lists for inviting Newark mayor Cory Booker to be the keynote speaker at the State Convention Gala Banquet to be held on Friday June 1 in Seattle. Â Booker is well known as a supporter of…