Federal Reserve Notes VS. United States Notes
Uploaded by spellbinder00 on Feb 27, 2008 “Shows what REAL Money Is and it’s NOT the Federal Reserve Note. This video describes the superior performance of government issued currency over that issued by private central banks. There is no reason for any free people to have to make interest payments on the printing of their…
Photos from the Clinton/Inslee luncheon
I and about 3000 people went to a luncheon with Bill Clinton and Jay Inslee at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle today. I sat right in the center about 5 tables back from the podium. Had I had the chance, I’d have asked Clinton if he regrets dismantling Glass-Steagall and passing NAFTA. He…
The Silver Tsunami: Candidates' Forum on Aging, Mercer Island, Oct 1
The Silver Tsunami: Candidates’ Forum on Washington’s Aging Readiness, Monday, Oct 1, 2012, 11 am – 1 pm, Mercer Island Community Center Event is free and open to public but registration is required. Contact Doug Ricker at 206-684-0292 or doug.ricker@seattle.gov
Public discussion on building a sustained, broad-based movement for real change
This Saturday, September 15, at 4:00 p.m., Poets West and Justice Party of Washington State will host a public discussion about building a broad-based movement that would bring about real change. This is not a forum for campaigning, but an invitation to speak about what such a movement might look like, and how we might…
Are Occupiers aiding Grover Norquist?
Thursday evening I went to an exhibit of inspiring photos of the Seattle Occupy movement and chatted with several people there. One woman and I discussed Occupy and the path forward. She said she distrusts the Democratic Party. I said that I understand why people reject working through the Democratic Party — it would take…
"Test It, Maybe" – LCV Parody of "Call Me, Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen
Send a message to your senators at: http://action.lcv.org/SaferChemicals Tell them to pass the Safe Chemicals Act this fall! [I really like the use of music, humor, and – uh – sex, to market progressive values.]
Creating more jobs, sector by sector
Eleven years ago yesterday we woke up to a beautiful blue sky morning, and our world came crashing down on our heads. And 11 years ago today, we looked in one direction to help us, protect us, and rebuild our world. That direction was to our government. The firefighters who lost their lives trying to…
No Minority, No Majority. There Shall Just Be People.
Biko! You are not forgotten. Struggle. Resist. Live and Work for Justice.
Witness Protection Program
(by unknown)