On the Bolivian Coup
What do you think of a country obsessed with hearings to impeach a dishonest president for using his office for his own political (and monetary) gain and for blackmailing another country’s leaders to enable this? Makes sense to me. But what doesn’t make sense is that the political leaders, from both parties, of this same…
Report on Rep. Suzan DelBene’s town hall on Nov 9, 2019
On Saturday, U.S. Represenative Suzan DelBene and State Senator David Frockt partipated in a town hall meeting in Kenmore, WA. Executive summary: Her responses were all pretty moderate. She opposes Trump and supports the impeachment inquiry but doesn’t seem angry or populist. I was disappointed by her responses to the question about how to defeat…
How to pay for transportation in Washington State
Washington State voters have approved an initiative, I-976, that will lower car tab fees and thereby deprive the state of funding for transportation projects. See ‘The ship’s going down’: After I-976, Washington officials fear for the future of transportation. But there is an obvious, fair solution: Bill Gates, Jr. and Jeff Bezos, the two richest…
How Repubs and evangelicals are smarter than Dems and progressives
Progressives and Democrats like to look down on conservatives, including evangelicals. But the facts suggest that it’s the progressives and Democrats who aren’t so smart. Trump campaigned strenuously in the swing states, unlike Hillary, who apparently thought she had a strong enough lead that she needn’t bother. But Hillary raised far more money than Trump…
Book review of Senator Ben Sasse’s Them: Why we hate each other and how to heal
Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska is considered a moderate Republican. He opposed Trump’s nomination and has continued to criticize the President, calling him “a megalomaniac strongman.”  Sasse’s opposition to Trump has led to harsh criticism of Sasse from conservative media personalities, politicians and grassroots citizens. Likewise, Sasse took heat from Republicans for opposing the…
Evangelicals are smarter than many progressives
Many progressives like to ridicule evangelical Christians — for their support for Trump, for their values, and for their beliefs. But in one important way, evangelicals are much smarter than many progressives. Evangelicals voted for Donald Trump, the candidate they regarded as the lesser-of-two-evils, because they knew that Trump would appoint conservative justices to the…
UFOs, Climate Change, and Donald Trump
There has been a recent uptick in UFO sightings, as reported by U.S. Navy pilots and others. The explanation for the uptick is related to the climate change crisis, as described in this video.
What real freedom includes
Dear America, universal health care is what real freedom looks like Frank Luntz tells GOP politicians to use the word freedom a lot. Unfortunately, the only freedom they really represent is for the wealthiest to get wealthier and put their boots directly on the necks of the working class, with an emphasis on people of…
Do it, Jeff
Seen on a wall in Seattle, a couple of blocks from Amazon.com’s headquarters. Indeed, as the richest man in the world — and as CEO of a company that paid 0 in federal taxes for two years in a row, despite earning billions in profit — Jeff Bezos has a particular obligation to pay back…
The debate about Russiagate and the fight against Trump
On social media, opinion sites, and online discussions, there’s a big battle between believers in and deniers of Russiagate. It’s highly politicized, with progressives like Glenn Greenwald supporting the views of Fox News and other defenders of the president. For example, in the following youtube video, Greenwald seems to be gleeful in his ridicule of…