How should secular, progressive folks criticize religion?
I’m ambivalent about criticizing religion and religious people. I was reminded of this issue (whether it’s wise to criticize believers)Â by some recent facebook posts. One post showed the following image. Another facebook post showed this image, which is factual without being hostile. Let me explain my ambivalence about criticizing religion. On the one hand,…
Action alert: contact House members to help overturn Citizens United
Please take the following actions. After clicking on the links contained within the text you’ll need to wait a moment for it to open and then click on. In Solidarity, Judith Shattuck, Chair Washington State Progressive Caucus www.waprogressives.org From: wpc@washclean.org Subject: Time to Act on HJM 4001 Contact Your State House Members NOW! HJM 4001…
USA's Pussy Riot: Radio Interview about Seattle activists held in solitary confinement
Federal Judge Richard Jones orders activists released from solitary confinement in Seattle Federal Grand Jury case, ruling that the prisoner’s treatment was inhumane.
New Contraceptives for Cascadia
The lesson of St. Louis. Valerie Tarico on March 5, 2013 at 11:11 am This post is 1 in the series: Fifty Times Better than the Pill Photo Credit: Chris JL via Compfight cc Last fall, researchers in Missouri caught the attention of public health experts and advocates across North America. Some 9,000 St. Louis…
Tim Eyman for Sewer Commissioner
In Why Tim Eyman should, at last, run for public office Seattle P-I columnist Joel Connelly rightly attacks anti-tax activist Tim Eyman for proposing voter initiatives that have made it impossible to adequately fund education, social services, and other government services. Connelly writes: Eyman, as a legislator, would have to help write a budget. He…
Irreverent Senior Moments, with Gary Kanter and the Seattle Raging Grannies, Saturday 7:30PM
If you have not seen the Seattle Raging Grannies, you have missed a remarkable experience. If you like your political recipe spicy, with a lefty twist…and sprinkled with humor…these ladies are for you. Disclaimer! Some right-wing diners have experienced severe acid reflux and incontinence, disconcertion, distress, and discomfort. If you experience a dejection lasting longer…
Sequester My @$$, Strategy Call at 4pm Wednesday
In the age of sequestration, our Shared Sacrifice My @$$ video is more appropriate than ever. Allow yourself to laugh-off the disappointment and then channel your outrage into ACTION! Join the Strategy & Solidarity Call Among Backbone Allies Wednesday, March 6th at 4 PM Pacific / 7 PM Eastern Members on the call have been…
Building the Peace and Justice Movement
“Building the Peace and Justice Movement Inside and Outside the Democratic Party” Steve Cobble moderates, with Phyllis Bennis, Medea Benjamin, Donna Smith and Robert Score, The People’s Inauguration, University of the District of Columbia Law School, January 19, 2013.