Washington Liberals

Action alert: contact House members to help overturn Citizens United

Please take the following actions. After clicking on the links contained within the text you’ll need to wait a moment for it to open and then click on.

In Solidarity,

Judith Shattuck, Chair
Washington State Progressive Caucus

From: wpc@washclean.org
Subject: Time to Act on HJM 4001

Contact Your State House Members NOW!

HJM 4001 calling on Congress to pass a constitutional amendment to the states to overturn the effects of the U.S. Supreme Court’s disastrous decision – Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission has been placed on 2nd reading by the House Rules Committee. Now it just needs to be voted out of the House by March 13. Here’s where you come in – contact your legislator now and urge him/her to vote for HJM 4001.

Take Action HERE.

If your legislator’s name appears below, click on the name and thank him/her for sponsoring HJM 4001 if you haven’t already.done so.

Pedersen, Hope, Carlyle, Goodman, Kagi, Sells, Van De Wege, Haigh, Springer, Lytton, Tharinger, Jinkins, Hunt, Cody, Morrell, Ormsby, Hudgins, Pettigrew, Moeller, Upthegrove, Reykdal, Fitzgibbon, Ryu, Liias, Roberts, Maxwell, Sawyer, Riccelli, Farrell, Pollet, Moscoso, Santos, Hansen.

Thank you,

Alice Woldt,
Executive Director, Washington Public Campaigns (www.washclean.org)
Lobbying Work Group Co-ordinator, WAMEND (www.wamend.org)

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