Republicans' clever trick: blame public schools for the blight of poor communities
Republicans and their conservative Democratic allies trashed the economy and bankrupted federal and state governments via reckless deregulation, tax cuts for the rich, outsourcing, union bashing, corruption, privatization, and fraudulent, mismanaged wars. Now they’re in the process of destroying the social safety net and public education. Charter schools are conservatives’ most powerful weapon for destroying…
March against Monsanto, workparty, potluck Sunday in Seattle
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This SUNDAY May 5th March Against Monsanto Mutants Imagery Building Worparty 11-5pm at Seattle Fremont Abbey Backbone Community Potluck 7-10pm in Seattle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Want to amp-up the fight against Monsanto? Saturday May 25th is the international day of action: March Against Monsanto.Join Backbone Campaign and affiliated Seattle activists hosting Monsanto’s Mutants imagery building workshops…
Bannering May 10 in Seattle against Corporate Personhood
Norm Conrad of MoveOn reports: May 10th is the 127th “anniversary” of the Supreme Court case used as precedent for the absurd notion that corporations are entitled to the birthrights of actual human beings. In co-operation with Move to Amend, we will be displacing a really big banner on the N 50th St overpass on…
10 companies in the Fortune 500 with lower income tax rates than the average American family
A new report from Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ) illustrates how profitable Fortune 500 companies in a range of sectors of the U.S. economy have been remarkably successful in manipulating the tax system to avoid paying even a dime of tax on billions of dollars in profits. As a group, the ten companies paid no…
Talking Carbon Taxes, Free-Enterprise Style
Finding common ground with talking points from the conservative play book. Mark Feldman and Anna Fahey on April 26, 2013 at 10:02 am    This post is part of the research project: Flashcards Photo Credit: Orin Zebest via Compfight cc What’s the best way to make a case for a carbon pollution tax…
Senate approves potential repeal of Paid Family Leave, bill moves to House
It hasn’t been a good week for working families in the Washington State Legislature. On Monday, the Senate passed an amended version of SB 5903, which will repeal the Family Leave Insurance system if a funding mechanism is not identified in 2014. The bill will create a taskforce of eight legislators to fund the system. If no…
Conference call with Rocky Anderson and Ralph Nader, Sat May 4
A CONVERSATION WITH ROCKY ANDERSON AND RALPH NADER Raise the Minimum Wage Saturday, MAY 4 12 PM ET / 11 AM CT / 10 AM MT/ 9 AM PT for one hour RSVP below. You will receive an acknowledgement via email containing the call-in instructions. __________ Ralph Nader is a well known political activist, attorney,…
Torture "undisputed," but protestors banned
Accountability For The Past, Democracy For The Future! The Peoples’ Response to the Opening of the Bush Lie-Bury Native and non-native Youths’ Beautiful March Demanding a Healthy Future & Livable Planet Your Own Light Projection for Bank of America National Day of Actions Register For Localize This Training Camp Today ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Backbone Campaign, CodePink and…
The party of dumb
The LA Times is reporting that, despite the overwhelming majority of the public who support tightening gun laws, the failure of Congress to pass gun control in the wake of Sandy Hook may, paradoxically help Republicans in future elections, because gun right supporters are more passionate about the issue. “Those who said they felt “very…