Making Marriage Last – Do Atheists Do It Better?
Conservative Christians think of themselves as the last line of defense for a time honored and holy tradition, marriage. In the conservative Christian view, marriage is a sacred union ordained by God. It binds one man and woman together so that the “two become one flesh†until they are parted by death. This view of…
Halloween Wishes from Tiny Tim Eyman and Nasty Rodney Tom
That’s the deadly sword of tax cuts for rich people and service cuts for the rest of us.
Happy Halloween: right-wing fog machine miring America
Recently, western Washington (the genuine one here in the Pacific Northwest, not that other Washington back east where it seems to be the “trick†side of Halloween every doggone day) muddled through a long period of dense fog. Unusual for this time of year in this neck of the woods, where autumn generally finds us…
Inslee on Republican Tax Breakers
(Image source: FUSE Washington) “If you think it’s more important to hand out millionaire tax breaks than to educate our kids, then go ahead and encourage the Senate Republicans” — Gov. Jay Inslee
Nov 9th in Seattle: How Market Ideology and Corporate Power Are Killing Americans
http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/10/prweb11249136.htm Obamacare and Single-Payer Universal Health Insurance: Nationally Recognized Physician to Speak Saturday, November 9 in Seattle. No Charge, All Are Welcome! Dr. John Geyman, professor emeritus of family medicine at the University of Washington and author of “Health Care Wars: How Market Ideology and Corporate Power Are Killing Americans” (2012), will give the keynote…
Nov 27 in Seattle: a feminist look at the TPP free trade monster; Nov 7: organizing
Thursday, November 21, 7:30pm • Dinner 6:30pm, New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle 4 blocks south of S. Alaska St. at the Hudson stop of the #7 busline. Near the Columbia City light rail station. A feminist look at a looming free trade monster: The Trans-Pacific Partnership How are capitalist trade pacts impacting women and…
Review of Donald Guitierrez's Feeling the Unthinkable
This is a recent review on Donald Gutierrez’s new book, Feeling The Unthinkable that I wanted to call to your attention. I sincerely believe that this book should be read by every American concerned about where our country is headed. J. Glenn Evans FEELING THE UNTHINKABLE By DONALD GUTIERREZ AMADOR PUBLISHERS, LLC 611 Delamar Ave…
Is Deficit Committee co-chair Patty Murray more concerned about Boeing contracts than about seniors?
Social Security hasn’t contributed a penny to the deficit, it’s not going broke, and it’s not an “entitlement.” But Senator Patty Murray, who is co-chair of the Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction, said on Oct 5 that “everything” is on the table as possible cuts as her committee begins searching for an agreement to avert…
Rainbow Warrior tour, Seattle, Oct. 27, 2013
The Rainbow Warrior is in Seattle to draw attention to the plight of 30 crew members aboard the other Greenpeace vessel Arctic Sunrise who have been imprisoned since being detained at gunpoint by Russian border guards on Sept. 19. Known as the Arctic 30, the crew were stopped during their protest against the Prirazlomnaya oil…
SuperPacs v. SuperCitizens: an Inspire Seattle meeting on Nov 16
Hi everyone! Below is an invitation to our InspireSeattle Social on Saturday evening November 16th at 6:30PM at Bill and Emily Bradburd’s place. We have scored again and have a great speaker: Jim Street to discuss campaign finance reform and actions against Citizen’s United. SAVE THE DATE! Remember – IT’S A POTLUCK!! Come join us!…