Moderate Republican Senators Collins and Murkowski voted more similary to Dems than to Repugs

An analysis of voting records of US Senators shows that moderate Republican Senators Collins and Murkowski voted more similarly to Democrats than to Republicans.

This continues the analysis of Congressional voting records begun in Visualized grouping of US Congress members by similarities in their voting record.  The data is based on voting records collected at  The analysis and images are by me.

Here’s the image for Senator Collins (R-ME). Notice how the circle of blue Democrats is inside the circle of red Republicons, except for Senator Murkowski.
Click on the images to see detail.
US Senators arranged by the similarity of their voting records in 2013 and 2014 to Senator Collins

Here’s the image for Senator Murkowski (R-AK). Notice how the circle of blue Democrats is inside the circle of red Republicons, except for Senator Murkowski and for Senator Ayotte (R-NH).
Click on the images to see detail.
US Senators arranged by the similarity of their voting records in 2013 and 2014 to Senator Murkowski

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