Wednesday evening in Seattle there will be a public hearing on strategies to address climate change, under the auspices of the state Climate Legislative and Executive Workgroup. Governor Inslee is supposed to be there.
October 23, 6:00 – 9:20 p.m. | Agenda and Information (PDF) | Bell Harbor International Conference Center – 2211 Alaskan Way Seattle. Directions
The pdf of the draft agenda says that from 5:00 til 6:00 pm people who want to comment can sign up. But it also says, “The facilitator will randomly select individuals who filled out a comment registration card to speak.” So if that’s true, there will be no need to arrive early so progressive voices can be heard. I’ve gone to meetings where right wingers signed up first and monopolized the proceedings.
One of the Republican legislators who will probably appear at the hearings is Senator Doug Ericksen, who is notorious climate change denier and recipient of oil money. See
- Sen. Doug Ericksen promotes climate change denial, weakens toxic control act, and accepts the most free meals from oil industry lobbyists,
- Big Oil wins in state legislature, in an apparent quid pro quo for estate tax fix, and
- Allied with ALEC: Washington State’s “Dirty Half-Dozenâ€.
See also the Washington Environmental Council’s page about the hearings.
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