Washington Liberals

Breaking news: Kucinich seriously considering running for Congress in Washington State

Washington State supporters of Dennis Kucinich received email this morning indicating that the Ohio Democrat is seriously considering running for Congress in Washington State:

Dear Friend,

I have just received this communication from Washington Citizens for Kucinich which asks that I consider running for Congress in Washington State.

This week, while I was speaking in Seattle, the question came up in two television interviews: KCPQ-TV and KING-TV. I cannot approach consideration of such an unprecedented step without seeking advice from you, my friends in Washington State, whose help and generosity have enabled me to serve in the US Congress from Ohio.

I would appreciate your participation in this survey of my Washington State supporters. Please click on this link, enter your email address and zip code, and then vote. I would be grateful for your comments too and shall be reading them on Wednesday.

Your participation and your guidance is critical to my decision.

Very sincerely,
Dennis Kucinich

On Dennis Kucinich’s website they posted a copy of a long, well thought-out letter from David Spring and Elizabeth Hanson calling on Kucinich to come to Washington State and explaining why it would be a good idea:

A Message from Washington Citizens for Kucinich

“The purpose of this letter is to explain why we believe that one of the options you should consider is running for Congress in one of our three open Congressional Districts here in Washington State.“  Spring reports receiving hundreds of signatures on the petition he set up in support of Kucnich’s run.

On March 6, Kucinich lost a primary battle for his redistricted and gerrymandered Ohio congressional district.  (See here , here and here.)  His loss generated national coverage with commentators lamenting the “end of an era.”

Kucinich spoke in Des Moines, WA on Thursday, April 12 at a forum on “The Threat to Social Security: An Issue for All Generations.” Click here for photos, video excerpts and a summary.

Not every Democrat in Washington State supports Kucinich’s running here. State Dem Chair Dwight Pelz has opposed the run: “I am alarmed at the spoiler role Rep. Kucinich could play should he run for office in Washington, such as in the 1st or the new 10th CD.” (source; see also this).  And Kucinich would have to defeat home state candidates, including, in the 1st CD, Darcy Burner (twice defeated by Rep. Dave Reichert), Suzan Del Bene (also defeated by Reichert), and Laura Ruderman, a former state legislator.

It seems that Kucinich, like such politicians as Hillary Clinton and Ron Paul, is a polarizing figure: some people love him, some people are annoyed by him.

In addition, some people think that Kucinich would better aim for a run in 2014, giving him more time to rejuvenate and to build support wherever he chooses to run again. A second loss this year would look bad.

If you support Kucinich’s running in Washington State, please sign the petition and Like the facebook page of Washington Citizens for Kucinich.

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