Washington legislature is considering a bill to challenge NDAA's unconstitutional detention provisions

The Washington State House is considering bill HB1581, which would create “the Washington state preservation of liberty act condemning the unlawful detention of United States citizens and lawful resident aliens under the National Defense Authorization Act.”  There are 21 co-sponsors, with representatives from both major parties: Representatives Overstreet (R), Santos (D), Shea (R), Taylor (R),…

Protest Microsoft's support for cutting Social Security, Feb 20th near UW

Working Washington reports: Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz isn’t the only local CEO who is backing the corporate front group “Fix the Debt.”  Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has been fronting too.  It’s time for them to get real. The CEOs behind Fix the Debt want to lower tax rates on the rich, create or extend corporate…

Washington's Democratic representatives, except for Jim McDermott, are willing to cut Social Security

On Feb 15 a majority of House Democrats released a letter: Majority of House Democrats Call on President Obama to Reject Benefit Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security Benefits. But the only Washington State representative who has signed the above letter is Rep. Jim McDermott.   Democratic Representatives Smith, DelBene, Larsen, Kilmer, and Heck haven’t…

Should taxpayer funds be used to help rebuild houses of worhsip destroyed in disasters?

Americans United for Separation of Church and State reports that the House of Representatives voted to allow taxpayer funds to be used for rebuilding houses of worship destroyed by floods and other disasters.  Here’s how Washington State reps voted: Legislative Alerts and Updates • Current Legislation • Key Votes • Capitol Hill Basics To amend…

Four days left to register for this year's Environmental Lobby Day

Environmental Priorities Coalition Dear Don, 4 DAYS LEFT to register for this year’s Environmental Lobby Day   Come to Olympia / Advocate for the environment / Rally with the Governor If you choose just one day to come to Olympia to support the environment, this is the day to do it! Join Gov. Inslee along with 400 other concerned citizens…

The People Speak- The Senator Listens, Friday Feb 22 @ 7PM, at Seattle Labor Temple

Solve the Budget Puzzle. Protect Human Needs— Cut Pentagon Spending Friday Feb. 22, 7:00 p.m. Seattle Labor Temple 2800 First Ave. Sponsors are American Friends Service Committee—NW Region; Church Council of Greater Seattle; Faith Action Network; GI Voice; Green Party of Washington State; Progressive Democrats of America- Washington; Rainier Valley Neighbors for Peace and Justice;…

Washington Health Security Trust HB 1085 – Request a vote out of committee!

Health Care for All -Washington reports: The hallways of the O’Brien Building saw state-based universal health care advocates fill a hearing room and overflow into three other nearby rooms set up with audio as the House Health and Wellness Committee took testimony on HB 1085 last Friday, Feb 1st. 130 supporters from Bellingham, Anacortes, Port…