Washington Liberals

Author: admin

  • A hard question for state chair candidates

    I attended the candidates forum for the chair of the state Democratic Party Sunday (see report), and there was one issue which the candidates did not directly address: As party chair, how would you balance the needs of the progressive and centrist wings of the party? On the left, many voters are disillusioned with what…

  • Report on candidates forum for state chair

    Candidates for state Democratic Party chair spoke Sunday at the IAM union hall in south Seattle. The candidates were Jay Clough, Jim Kainber, Dana Laurent, and Jaxon Ravens. Most of the time was spent answering short questions from representatives of the following 13 caucuses: African American, Native American, Labor, Disability, Stonewall Democrats, Hispanic/Latino, Veterans &…

  • Lefty wikipedia: leftipedia.org

    I bought the domain name leftipedia.org with the idea of making a progressive (and factual) alternative to wikipedia and to conservapedia.com. Some of the politically sensitive articles on wikipedia are edited/hacked by conservatives and do not reflect the truth. See, for example, Battle over the facts concerning Chuck Hagel. The site conservapedia.com, which is written…

  • State Senate Tranportation Chair Curtis King on buses

  • Meet at DelBene's Bothell office on Jan 8 at 9:30AM to ask her to oppose TPP fast track

    Via Vandana Whitney and Linda Newton: Rep. Susan DelBene (District 1) has not chosen to sign the Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) and George Miller (D-Calif.) letter to the President regarding Democrat opposition to Fast Track Authority. We have had two meetings at her Bothell office with staff members but she has not taken a position for…

  • $55,000 ($11,000) bill for one day in the hospital

    From Guy Gets Sick, Spends Few Hours in Hospital Then This Happens….

  • Dumb Republicans: deny evolution

    The top headline on news.google.com today concerns denial of evolution by Republicans: Skepticism of evolution grows among Republicans, according to new poll Republicans’ belief in evolution plummets, poll reveals One-third of Americans reject evolution, poll shows Survey: The number of Republicans who believe in human evolution has declined Belief in evolution among Republicans has dropped…

  • Professional Worriers for Hire

  • US versus Sweden in prison population

    The US has more than 10 times the rate (prisoners per 100,000) than Sweden: 716 versus 67, according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_incarceration_rate.

  • Feb 8 in Tacoma: Whistleblower Thomas Drake

    Former NSA Senior Executive turned NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake, along with former ethics advisor to the Justice Department Jesselyn Radack who is also a whistleblower, will speak in Tacoma at the Washington State History Museum. Both Drake and Radack are featured in the Robert Greenwald film, War on Whistleblowers. (More about them below) They will…