SAFE Newsletter Week Two July 2013

Upcoming Actions –

Now until ????? – Awaiting word to resume Eviction Blockade as Jeremy’s home was tagged/eviction posted on Tuesday, July 9th.
July 12th -   Peacekeeper Training, Bethany UCC  1 – 3PM
-  WTF WF GT – Picket for Jeremy at Georgetown Wells Fargo. 5963 Corson Av S, Ste 140 98108 -  Further info contact Josh (360-

July 13th -   Massive Canvassing Blitz , Bethany UCC  1:15 – 4:45 – Further info contact Bryce (253-740-9804)
July 19th -   Picket and Press Conference at Northwest Trustee Services – 10AM, 13555 SE 36th Pl, Bellevue, WA 98006 – Arrive early as

parking is not allowed on the property and it is not easy to find. It is an underground parking garage. More information – Contact Stephen (206-390-

July 21st -  2PM – Social Justice Fund Site visit.
July 23rd – SAFE members travel to New York City for training conference with Right to the City. Be a part, even if you must stay around the Sound – see for the details.

This Past Week –
July 8th  -  4:30PM Mass Mailing at SAFE office.
July 9th  -  SAFE joined with the Chinese community at their dinner for the governor. A wonderful time was reported. A big thank you to them for

inviting us!
July 10th -  SAFE members joined others in solidarity to protest at a Lake City Chase branch.

Other Upcoming & Ongoing Events:

Tuesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM: Weekly SAFE Meeting: Bethany UCC, 6230 Beacon Ave S (NE corner of Graham St).  All are welcome!
Sundays,  5:30 – 7:00 PM: Weekly SAFE Active Member Homeowner’s/Bank Tenant’s Support Group: also at 6230 Beacon Ave S.

Questions?  Comments?

You can reach us at or 206-203-2125.  Please visit our web site:

Make a recurring donation to support SAFE’s critical work or even donate some supplies we might need. More information at our website –

Thoughts & Opinions:

(SAFE welcomes written opinions from all supporters. If you have a letter or comment you’d like to include in the Thoughts & Opinions section of this Newsletter, please e-mail Opinions must be informative, relevant to the foreclosure/eviction crisis, and consistent with SAFE’s mission and principles. The opinions below do not necessarily represent those of SAFE.)

This thought is the newsletter’s shout “EXTRA! EXTRA! ”
In yet another week of keeping with the back to basics theme; there’s been some questions about terms we in SAFE use. One is “Direct Action”.

Housing is a Human Right!

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