Washington Liberals

Salomon’s campaign, and special interests, spend over $235K to unseat progressive State Senator Maralyn Chase

Stand For Children and Washington Realtors Political Action Committee, together with Jesse Salmon’s campaign, have spent over $235,000 to unseat Senator Maralyn Chase, according to the Public Disclosure Commission website.

This PDC page lists independent expenditures for the Jesse Salomon campaign, reproduced below:

In addition to benefiting from those Independent Expenditures, the Salomon campaign itself spent $158,810.66. (source)

Direct (non-independent) contributors to the Salomon campaign include Monsanto, Chevron, and Merck.

Stand for Children cloaked their identity on some flyers by donating to REALTOR PAC for hit flyers. See this article for more on the weird web of connections between SFC and REALTORS PAC.

Quoting from Parents! Know the truth about Stand for Children:

What does Stand [for Children] stand for now?

  • Closing neighborhood schools
  • Expanding charter schools
  • Evaluating teachers using unreliable standardized test scores
  • Replacing teachers with “online learning”

Who does Stand really speak for? Not parents. Not children.

SFC is a front for corporations, hedge funders and investment bankers who have thrown their wealth behind a national campaign to destroy teachers unions and privatize our public schools. Bill Gates, the Walmart family, New Profit venture fund, J P Morgan Chase, etc. have donated millions to SFC over the past 2-3 years, allowing it to expand to Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Texas and Washington.

Local one-percenters who donate to Stand For Children include Connie Ballmer, Jeff Bezos, Vulcan Inc., and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The PDC website is not always clear.  Viewing various of their pages reveals more and more about the web of donations.

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