Washington Liberals

WA Infrastructure Financing Task Force Meeting, Nov 1, Olympia

Dear supporters,

I wanted to update folks with the latest news from the taskforce. We are having another task force meeting Nov 1 in Olympia at 9:00 am in Senate Conference Rooms A, B, C. You can find the agenda for the meeting here on our website. Remember, if you can’t make it to Olympia it’s o.k., the whole meeting will be streamed live by TVW. As always, if you’re busy at that time, TVW will post the whole meeting in their archives and you can watch it whenever you have an opportunity.

We’ve also been receiving questions about the dates for upcoming meetings. Below is the link to the “Work Plan” page of the website, and dates for the next three meetings.


If you’re not sure what the taskforce is about you can read the previous update that was sent out to the listserv below.

Thanks again and as always stay in touch.

Bob Hasegawa
Washington State Representative
11th Legislative District
Hotline: 800/562.6000
Phone: 360/786.7862
Legislative Aide: Marissa Chavez
Olympia Office:
425 John L. O’Brien Building
P.O. Box 40600
Olympia, WA 98504-0600

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