On the 10th anniversary of the Afghan invasion
Vets & Soldiers Speak Out against War
Friday, October 7, 7:30pm
Doors open at 6:30pm
LeAnna Waldbauer – First Lieutenant in the Army Reserve who served in Iraq and is an outspoken anti-war feminist.
Warren Davis – African American conscientious objector who served a year in a Navy prison for refusing to deploy during the Gulf War.
Steve Hoffman – Navy veteran and submarine electrician, currently a Martin Luther King County Labor Council delegate.
$3 door donation requested. Hearty snack plates served for a $7 donation.
New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Ave. S.
Seattle, WA 98118
On the #7 busline or a short walk east from the Columbia City light rail station. Wheelchair accessible.
Sponsored by Freedom Socialist Party
For more information: call 206-722-2453,
visit www.socialism.com/seattle or
email FSPseattle@mindspring.com.
To reserve childcare or arrange work exchanges, please call three days in advance.
Fri., Oct. 7, 4:30pm
Seattle Central Community College
Broadway and Pine
March to Westlake
for 5:30pm die-in and program