At our September 19, 2012 social we learned about the failings of the initiative process in Washington State and a proposal to bring about change [].
Over the last several years I have been growing increasingly concerned about Washington voter’s shaky knowledge about initiatives. When voting time rolls around, we usually have very little idea about who is actually funding initiatives and what their real impact will be.
 So I’ve decided to do something about this. I have become a founding member of an organization called, Responsible Choices, a bi-partisan, non-profit that is dedicating itself to educating the public about funding and impacts of initiatives. It doesn’t take positions on initiatives, but will get the word out about initiatives through a variety of ways including website, social media, written op-ed pieces and issue papers based on research.
I’m telling you about this because I believe you would like to know, and because this is the first part of the effort to spread the word about this organization.
You can be an important part of getting the word out as well. I hope that first, you will check out our website at and that next, you will pass this email along to your friends and suggest they check out the website as well. Think of this as a great team civic effort!
 If you agree with me that this way to “throw the windows open†and bring in the sunshine on the initiative process is an important step, then please help us by becoming a member and donating $50, or whatever you can, to move us forward. Just go to the Join Us page on the website to make your donation. We have applied to the IRS for non-profit status so donations are tax-deductible.
If you would like to become an active member of the organization, which at this point is all-volunteer, go to Join Us at We need volunteers to take on tasks such as Tweeting and Facebook communicating, and research for issue papers.