Economist Ed Dolan, an intellectual leader of the Carbon Tax movement, has a three-part serious about why everyone (conservatives,progressives, and libertarians) should love carbon taxes. As if to prove him right, a new study of the BC carbon tax estimates that it will boost economic activity because “the government uses carbon tax revenue to reduce personal and corporate income taxes, making the province a more attractive jurisdiction for investment.” Similar results come from a recent REMI study of carbon tax policies in Massachusetts (study and PPT here, free one-hour webinars this coming Monday and Wednesday, July 22/24, at 2pm ET / 11am PT).
CarbonWA is happy announce that Shi-Ling Hsu has agreed to join our Advisory Committee. Shi-Ling is a PhD economist, a law professor at Florida State University, and the author of The Case for a Carbon Tax. He was previously at University of British Columbia and co-authored (with Yoram) a NY Times op-ed on the BC carbon tax.
CarbonWA can’t do it without you! Please pledge now to collect signatures between February and June 2014 to create a ballot measure for a Revenue-Neutral Carbon Tax in Washington State. We’ve got 72,000 signatures pledged and have a goal of 100,000 pledges by the end of the summer. (It takes 300,000 to get on the ballot.) You can also use the same quick survey to get involved in the committees working on the campaign, outreach, policy, fundraising, etc.