Re: Paralysis or a future of compromise? Here’s what the next president should do.
The only thing correct in that article is : Job No. 1 should be to do what neither party has done for the past 20 years — ease the plight and address the needs of working-class families battered by the downside forces of globalization, technology and slow growth. That’s the cohort Trump has been inciting with calls for protectionism and nativism. What is wrong is the solution – we can no longer have bipartisanship compromise because it isn’t between the liberals and conservatives, or between the Republicans and Democrats. It is between the rich 1% and the 99%.
No more compromise – time to rain money on the people, like our legislators have done on the banks, corporations, and rich. The 1% get 95% of our crated wealth since 2009. Corporations receive tax breaks – more than our total annual budget. Corporations receive more tax breaks than our annual national deficit. Corporations get more tax breaks than Social Security and Medicare combined. Corporations get 10 times more money then programs to support our needy families. Corporations get more than our national debt. Time to rain money on the people.
TIME FOR A Basic Income? Yes! For Every One, A Basic Income? Yes! Radical Ideas About Fixing Inequality.
TIME FOR Sanders’ Economic Plan: Why Sanders’ Economic Plan Is Best For The 99 Percent.
TRUTH BOMB – A fact spoken in clear, easy to understand terms and without bias.