Friday, Jan 31: Day of Action against TPP
Friday Jan 31st Day Of Action and Rally to Celebrate the Defeat of TPP While it may be a little premature to declare a final victory over the TPP, with more than 50 organizations demanding congress vote NO to Fast Track, a Inter-Continental Day Of Action on the anniversary of passage of NAFTA, multiple leaks…
Camp Wellstone, Seattle, April 25-27, 2014
Camp Wellstone: Seattle Apr 25 – 27, 2014 Seattle, WA Camp Wellstone is a 2 ½ day training running from 3-9pm Friday, 9am-6pm Saturday, and 9am-3:30pm Sunday. It is open to anyone interested in gaining practical skills in progressive political action. During Camp Wellstone, we provide focus areas based on your role in progressive organizing,…
DelBene, Heck, Kilmer, and Larsen vote with Repugs to cut food stamps
Reps. Suzan DelBene, Denny Heck, Derek Kilmer, and Rick Larsen joined all four Washington Republicans in voting to cut an addition $9 billion from the food stamps program, SNAP. Kudos to Jim McDermott and Adam Smith for voting against the House farm bill that slashed food stamps while protecting most corporate pork. The Senate is…
Libertarian Eyman Continues Anti-Tax Rant with 2014 Initiative to Cut State Funding by $1 Billiion/yr
Eyman’s 2014 Initiative 1325 is a rehash of Eyman’s previous unconstitutional 2/3 voting requirement initiatives imposed on the Washington State Legislature to try to prevent them from raising revenue. The Washington State Supreme Court in 2013 ruled that his previous initiatives requiring a 2/3 vote were unconstitutional. The Court said the only way they would…
Cost of food stamps versus corporate subsidies: fact checking
Source: (apparently) Being Liberal I’m trying to verify these numbers. When I go to the site http://www.whitehouse.gov/2012-taxreceipt referenced on the left of the figure, it prompts me to enter an income. No matter what income I enter, I don’t see $36 under the category Food and nutrition assistance (which, it says, includes food stamps). If…
Ask our congressional delegation to support the Voter Empowerment Act
Parallel bills are moving through the US Senate and House, S.123 – Voter Empowerment Act of 2013 and H.R. 12: Voter Empowerment Act of 2013. “To modernize voter registration, promote access to voting for individuals with disabilities, protect the ability of individuals to exercise the right to vote in elections for Federal office, and for…
Obama's defense of NSA makes the Dems look bad, makes Republicans look good
TruthOut is reporting on a bill introduced to the Washington State House: HB2272 was introduced by a bipartisan team of legislators, Rep. David Taylor, a Republican from Moxee, and Rep. Luis Moscoso, a former three-term secretary of the state Democratic Party from Mountlake Terrace. If passed, the bill would make it the policy of the…
What Big Oil’s Tax Break Costs Our Classrooms
     This post is 8 in the series: Big Oil’s Accidental Tax Loophole Big Oil companies in Washington get $41 million from an accidental tax loophole that was never designed to benefit them. It’s enough to make the tangible investments in public education that our teachers and students so desperately need. To…
Update on Progressive Talk Radio for Pacific NW
There was standing room only at the “Party ON for Progressive Radio!” event held at Impact Hub in Downtown Seattle on January 18th, as emcee David (Goldy) Goldstein introduced Andrew Villeneuve of Northwest Progressive Institute, and Geov Parrish, someone with a long history with radio, and then the star attraction of the evening, Norman Goldman!…