Inspire Seattle, March 8 — Women Under Fire: Abuse in the Military
InspireSeattle invites YOU to join us at our Social Forum: Saturday, March 8th at 6:30PM. Main discussion topic for this evening: Women Under Fire: Abuse in the Military There is an extraordinary culture of violence and sexual abuse committed within the U.S. Military. Sarah Blum’s book, Women Under Fire: Abuse in the Military, is a…
Resolution to Prevent Denial of Lawful Health Care Services in Washington
(recommended by the King County Democrats Resolution and Platform Committee) WHEREAS hospitals in Washington have increasingly been merging or otherwise affiliating with hospitals or other healthcare systems controlled by the Roman Catholic Church , resulting in nearly half of our state’s hospital beds and patient care having becoming subject to “Ethical and Religious Directives†issued…
Boycott Seattle burger chains on Feb 20
Seattle fast food workers have called for a citywide boycott of the big burger chains — McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s — on February 20th in support of a $15 an hour wage that boosts the economy and lifts workers out of poverty. Join us: Pack your lunch, spread the word, and show support for…
The day we fight back against surveillance – Tuesday Feb 11, Seattle
2/11/14 at 6:00 PM at the Jackson Federal Building in Seattle Washington Details: Meet at the Jackson Federal Building. 915 2nd Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98174 (between Madison Street and Marion Street). Bring signs if you have them. Leaders of the ACLU, independent media reporters and members of our State legislature have been invited to speak.…
Sat. Feb 15, help fight for $15, in Seattle
EIU 775 Headquarters 215 Columbia St. Seattle, WA 98104 Sat. Jan 15 at 2:00 PM From the facebook page: Join 15 Now to launch a group in your neighborhood to educate, mobilize and help raise the Fight for 15 to the next level! The Fight for 15 in Seattle has been gathering momentum, but winning…
See Boeing throwing party to thank lawmakers for $8.7 billion
Hey, Americans, let's learn to bow
According to http://stophandshaking.com/ 80% of all infections are transmitted by hands. According to the CDC scientists estimate that people who are not washing their hands often or well enough are spreading germs. Harmful germs can live on almost everything from doorknobs to animals to food. See too Fear of Germs Threatening the Handshake. So, shouldn’t…
Time to take care of our own: Let’s pull ourselves into the 21st century, America
The United States is one of four countries in the world that doesn’t offer new moms paid maternity leave. Pakistan has better maternity leave policies than us. Now, I can be an American exceptionalist as good as the next girl, but are you kidding me? Just two months ago, the FAMILY Act was introduced to…
Regressivity of proposed Metro funding loomed large at King County Council hearing
King County Council held a hearing on Metro funding at Union Station in Seattle this evening. The state legislature was unable to come to agreement last year on funding for Metro buses — because Senate Republicans held the transportation package hostage to their demands for the cost-saving “reforms” that would weaken unions, weaken environmental regulations,…
Rep, McMorris Rodgers' dishonest claim about Obamacare
Washington State Congresswoman Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers claimed that her constituent Bette faced a $700-a-month premium hike after her policy was canceled. But Paul Krugman points out: Bette’s tale had policy wonks scratching their heads; it was hard to see, given what we know about premiums and how the health law works, how anyone could face…