Watch: Lawmakers rally in support of paid sick days
This week, lawmakers in the state House stood with Washington’s working families and passed the legislature’s first paid sick days bill. The bill’s prime sponsor, Representative Laurie Jinkins (D-Tacoma), along with her colleagues shared rousing testimony in support of paid sick and safe days. Check out video of their floor speeches below. Representative Laurie Jinkins…
Time to take care of our own: Let’s pull ourselves into the 21st century, America
The United States is one of four countries in the world that doesn’t offer new moms paid maternity leave. Pakistan has better maternity leave policies than us. Now, I can be an American exceptionalist as good as the next girl, but are you kidding me? Just two months ago, the FAMILY Act was introduced to…
Seattle Speaks for Itself: D.C. Corporate Group is dead wrong on paid sick leave
Last week, The Seattle Times published an op-ed by Michael Saltsman of the D.C. Employment Policies Institute asserting that a recent EPI study had found Seattle’s paid sick days law was hurting local businesses. As we pointed out at the time, EPI’s ‘report’ was basically an opinion survey of targeted opponents to sick days. But…
The rich got richer by leaving the middle class in the dust – but it doesn’t have to be this way
As the U.S. climbs out of the Great Recession, Wall Street and big banks are enjoying record-high profits, at the expense of middle and low-income families still struggling to gain an economic foothold since the economy’s collapse. This economic “recovery†is one for the few, not the many. According to a study by Berkeley economists,…