Visualized grouping of US Congress members by similarities in their voting records
The following images show US Senators and Representatives arranged according to the similarity of their voting records in 2013 and 2014. What’s most notable is how different the Dems are from the Republicans. Another feature apparent from the images is that in the Senate, Democrats vote more as a bloc than the Republicans. In fact,…
 New ballot language for the Carbon Tax initiative
We just got the ballot language back from a test-run initiative we filed last month. The full text of the initiative is here, or you can track it all down from the Secretary of State’s website, but here’s the ballot language as written by the Secretary of State’s office: “Statement of subject: Initiative Measure No.…
Time for the Washington State Treasurer to Stop Gambling on Wall Street…and Start Supporting the Safety of Public Banking
According to the Washington State Treasurer, Jim McIntire, economic recovery is just around the corner. Herbert Hoover said exactly the same thing in 1932 – just months before nearly every private bank in America went broke due to their excessive gambling on Wall Street. As State Treasurer, Jim manages about $70 billion in pension funds…
Bloomberg is intolerant of reasonable protests
In a speech at Harvard University’s commencement, Michael Bloomberg criticized cases in which liberal students prevented speakers, including Condoleezza Rice, from speaking at universities. “In each case, liberals silenced a voice — and denied an honorary degree — to individuals they deemed politically objectionable. This is an outrage.” He compared students protests to the efforts…
Anti-torture presentation at Univ. Methodist Church, June 3, 7:30PM
TUES JUNE 3, 2014, 7:30 p.m., at University Temple United Methodist Church, 1415 NE 43rd Street, Seattle; The Washington State Religious Campaign Against Torture (WSRCAT) presents “EXPOSING THE TRUTH OF U.S. TORTURE: RESTORING HUMAN DIGNITY AND THE RULE OF LAW” featuring Brig. General David R. Irvine of The Constitution Project. MC Prof. Rob Crawford. Panelists…
State Dems may remove opposition to charter schools from platform
The Education section of the current Democratic state platform for Washington State (adopted in 2012) includes language opposing charter schools: We oppose: Public funding for charter schools and vouchers; The commercial exploitation of students; Linking military recruitment to educational funding; Organized prayer in public schools; “No Child Left Behindâ€; Basing teacher pay solely on student…
Hey, anti-war conservatives, can we work together to rein in military waste and destruction?
There are many conservatives of a libertarian bent who want to rein in military waste and adventurism. Progressives and libertarians both oppose the immense corruption, waste, loss of rights, and destruction that results from the activities of the military and security state. Ron Paul and many of his followers come to mind. But so does…
Thom Hartmann: Reversing America’s Financial Crash (Seattle Town Hall, May 21, 2014)
Progressive talk radio host and prolific author Thom Hartmann outlines the structural roots of historic financial crashes and explains why the worst is yet to come. Tying this to the decline of the middle class and record wealth disparity he makes the connection of why the current national movement for a constitutional amendment to overturn…
Gun rights versus life rights: when will this insanity stop?
“Chris died because of craven, irresponsible politicians and the NRA. They talk about gun rights but what about Chris’ right to live? When will this insanity stop?” — Richard Martinez, father of 20 year old victim Chris Martinez.
Public interest must be basis of government
I was thirsty this morning, so I went to the sink, turned on the tap, filled a glass, and drank some water. We do this every day. We don’t worry about the quality of the water, the pipes that bring it into our homes, the reservoir where water is collected and stored, the water treatment…