Is the 2016 Washington State Legislature the Most Corrupt Legislature in History?
When one uses the term “corruption” one is likely to think of big states like Texas or Florida or Illinois with all of their bribery and kickback schemes. In this article, we will provide a few examples of why the Washington state legislature may be not only one of the most corrupt legislatures in the…
SAFE newsletter on homeless, TPP, neoliberalism
HOUSING IS A HUMAN RIGHT! Standing Against Foreclosure & Eviction NEWSLETTER February 5th, 2016 Updates THE 2016 ONE NIGHT COUNT found an increase of 19% Everyone’s talking about our State of Emergency on Homelessness yet our problem keeps growing. Here are the results from the January 29th One Night Count. “At least 4,505 men, women, and children were without shelter during the three…
Roll up our Sleeves: Fight TPP! February 3rd Signing Protest
Rally at City Hall, then march to the Federal Building (5 blocks downhill) to deliver our message, (we might also pay a visit to the Chambers of Commerce). On February 3, (February 4th in New Zealand), head trade negotiators from 12 countries around the Pacific Rim will gather to sign the biggest corporate trade agreement…
For Bernie Sanders, it's all about the base and the bucks, class struggle
Well it’s pretty clear we need more revenue I can make it make, make it, and turn the nation blue. Cause I gotta message, message the people chase. And all the right policies in all the right places. I hear conservatives calling for liberty. You know their stuff ain’t real: corporate hegemony. If that what’s…
Jerry Falwell’s Endorsement of Trump Reveals Who He Worships—And It Ain’t Jesus
If believing oneself to be the Only Begotten Son of God makes one a follower of Jesus, then maybe Trump qualifies. Either way, Jerry Falwell has a truth problem. On Tuesday, January 26, Jerry Falwell Jr., President of Liberty University, endorsed Donald Trump for President, saying that Trump is “a successful executive and entrepreneur, a…
CarbonWA's initiative I-732 qualifies
This week we’ve got official confirmation that I-732 has qualified (!), a final 250 Club update, the unveiling of our new website (yeson732.org), and a great editorial on carbon pricing in the NY Times. I-732 qualifies! We will share the official document with you when it’s released, but for now we have (what else?) a…
The Koch and Bush families helped the Nazis
The Kochs & the Nazis: Book Reveals Billionaires’ Father Built Key Oil Refinery for the Third Reich How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power