Hey, all you Bernie supporters who attended the caucuses, take over the Party!
The surprise overwhelming win by Bernie Sanders in the Washington State Democratic caucus was due, I surmise, to the participation of young people who had never before gotten involved.  I know in my precinct there were a surprising number of young people I had never seen before.  I am eager to see hard data…
Ten reasons why WA superdelegates should support Bernie Sanders
1. Democrats in Washington State overwhelmingly voted for Bernie Sanders in the caucuses 72.7% of Washington Democratic caucus attendees preferred Sanders over Hillary. That’s a 45% preference for Sanders.  If superdelegates ignore such a wide preference, there will be an uproar, and justly so. An attendee to Gov. Inslee’s precinct caucus says that Inslee spoke…
Unwelcome changes at wa-democrats.org
I notice something suspicious, or at least unwelcome. Yesterday, when I visited http://www.wa-democrats.org and clicked on “2016 CAUCUS” on the top right, it displayed the statewide caucus result summary, showing prominently that Bernie won over 72% of the vote. Today, it no longer shows that. Instead, it shows several links, the first one being “Caucus Results“.…
It takes a web of public support to keep ourselves healthy
Mention “the web†and many people will think you’re talking about the Internet. But when you’re having a serious medical problem, you see an entirely different network in action. Two weeks ago, as my body tried — at first, in vain — to fight off a serious infection, my family and friends were the first…