Michael Louis Connell: killed before he could testify about GOP voter fraud
From Wikipedia: “Michael Louis Connell (November 30, 1963 – December 19, 2008) was a high-level Republican consultant who was subpoenaed in a case regarding alleged tampering with the 2004 U.S. Presidential election and a case involving thousands of missing emails pertaining to the political firing of U.S. Attorneys. Connell was killed when the plane he…
Gov. Brownback is trying to turn Kansas into Washington State
From Tax cuts for the rich made Kansas broke — so now Republicans move to raise taxes on the poor: Let’s say you’re the Governor of Kansas. The tax cuts for the rich you pushed through a couple years ago mean you’re in a world of budgetary hurt, and you’re not sure how you’re going…
A dialog between Bernie Sanders and Birdie Sanders (prototype 2)
Bernie Sanders and Birdie Sanders discuss Bernie’s campaign and the symbolism of Birdie Sanders, who has some incisive things to say about government and about whether Bernie Sanders is a socialist. Note: this is work in progress.
Resolution to censure these Democrats for undermining public education, contravening the Constitution, and aiding Republicans
WHEREAS Republicans have been trying for years to undermine public education by under-funding it and then blaming teachers and public schools for (poverty-related) low performance by students; WHEREAS the State Constitution says that public education is the “paramount duty” of state government; that there should be a “general and uniform system of public schools”; and…
Steve Litzow riding high on the shoulders of Judy Clibborn and Tana Senn
For more context see Why did these Dems deliver a major victory to Republicans in an election year?.
The revolution will not be pleasant
On facebook some supporters of the Green Party put up a meme image suggesting that only Jill Stein would end our militaristic foreign policy. Here’s the image: I replied: Aren’t Bernie and Rand much less hawkish than the others? Anyway, the Green Party hasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell of making much of a difference,…