Localize This! August 14-21, 2011 – Vashon Island
Localize This! August 14-21, 2011 – Register TODAY! Join Activists & Organizers from Across the US for a Training That Will Transform Your Activism ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Attend all or part, but register TODAY at LocalizeThis.org This Summer on Vashon Island, WA, the Backbone Campaign is hosting the third annual Localize This! Artful Activism Camp, an intensive…
Now it's clear: July 23 Speakout event to include Jim McDermott
In an earlier post, Questions about Progressive Congress’s Speakout event on July 23 in Seattle, I expressed confusion and perplexity about the purpose of a Speakout (“Congressional Listening Tour”) event in Seattle. But today I got email that explained what’s going on. Rep Jim McDermott (D), a progressive hero, and other unspecified lawmakers will be…
Celebrate Medicare's 46th Birthday on July 30 in Seattle
Come Celebrate Medicare’s 46th Birthday — Remarkably Successful! No Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security! Profit-Driven Health Care is the Problem — Improved Medicare for All is the Solution! Give Medicare a Birthday Present — Improved Medicare for ALL! When: Saturday, July 30, Noon-2pm Where: Safeco Field (1st & S Atlantic), to Pioneer Square,…
Thoughts on yesterday's American Dream meeting
Like tens of thousands of other people across the country, I attended an American Dream meeting this weekend.  The meetings were organized by MoveOn.org and supported by dozens of other liberal advocacy groups as well, as you can see by viewing the icons of advocacy groups at the bottom of this MoveOn page. If…
Defunding of the Peace Corps
Every day another Republican Party politician or right-wing cable news pundit tells us that the government’s budget deficit is out of control and we have to cut Medicare, cut Social Security, cut health care, cut every program the majority of Americans depend on. I won’t respond here except to say that shared sacrifice means raising…
A criminal gang has taken power
A criminal gang has taken power. They’ve stolen elections; corrupted campaign financing; started illegal wars; tortured;Â held innocent prisoners without trial;Â invaded the privacy of Americans;Â politicized Justice; packed the Courts; reversed decades of judicial precedent; corrupted government agencies;Â crashed the economy by reckless deregulation, privatization, and mismanagement; bankrupted the US Treasury;Â manipulated and consolidated…
Banned by GOP: video indictment of KBR and other military contractors
Robert Greenwald’s hard-hitting video indictment of KBR and other military contractors was banned by Congress in 2007. It documents private employees making six figure salaries, staying in lavish resorts, and charging the US taxpayers $99 per load of laundry, while US soldiers endure low pay and mistreatment. http://www.wimp.com/videobanned/
Hiding Behind Personal Responsibility
I also could have titled this “The Hypocrisy of Personal Responsibility”.  A few years ago I met a couple of right wingers in a certain setting. To protect the identities of these people I will not use their names or give clues to how we met. I was surprised to find out their views later.…
Why it is Important to the Peace Movement to keep Dennis Kucinich in Congress
I  think all this talk about allowing Republicans in Ohio to gerrymander Dennis Kucinich out of Congress fails to consider the bigger picture. If we in the Peace Movement lose Dennis’s voice in Congress, who will lead the cause of peace in what has become a war-mongering nation? No one in Congress has been more…
Jane Hamsher: "His most ardent supporters are the dumbest motherfuckers in the world"
Today, FIredoglake’s Jane Hamsher called Obama’s staunchest supporters “the dumbest motherfuckers in the world”. This is going too far. Way too far. Progressives can’t abandon Obama and his supporters and be successful in 2012. Down-ticket candidates, especially the most progressive ones, are handicapped by this type of vitriol. We need a huge turnout in 2012,…