$1 Billion in Progressive Annual Revenue: Take Back the Giveaways

The purpose of the above document is to outline a series of revenue proposals worth half of the $2 billion legislators will seek to save/raise/cut in the upcoming special session.  As you can see, the proposals include both tax increases on the well-to-do, and elimination of tax exemptions that, again, favor the well-to-do. EOI doesn’t…

Division on the Left: can the Occupy Movement work with Labor, MoveOn, and Dems without being co-opted?

Will the Occupy movement be able to work with others?  Will the Occupy movement be co-opted? The Stranger is reporting in  Occupy Seattle Disrupts Pro–Occupy Wall Street Forum, Drives Away Supporters.: No sooner had six panelists finished opening remarks last Saturday evening than a woman scampered onstage and yelled, “Mic check!” It was an orchestrated…

Automatic cuts would exempt Social Security and Medicare

According to As Deadline Nears, What If the ‘Super Committee’ Fails? The Social Security retirement program is exempt from the automatic spending cuts. The Medicaid health-care program is also protected as are veterans’ benefits, food stamps, and a handful of other programs to help the poor and disabled. While Medicare benefits would be spared from…