State Supreme Court rules that legislature cannot cut basic education funding, regardless of budget difficulties
State Rep. Ross Hunter is reporting, in Landmark Supreme Court Case, that the State Supreme Court has unanimously ruled that “the Legislature cannot cut basic education funding regardless of the budget difficulties we face.” The legislature has failed to live up to the lofty language of Article IX of the constitution, and now it should…
Link: Dems Introduce Capital Gains Tax Bill in Olympia
Dems Introduce Capital Gains Tax Bill in Olympia “Representative Laurie Jinkins (D-Tacoma) introduced HB 2563 today, which would impose a 5 percent excise tax on capital gains over $10,000 a year ($5,000 for an individual), a bill that borrows generously from proposals made by the Washington State Budget and Policy Center. The proposed bill would…
Action: Contact your state rep's to support H.B. 2434 — Washington Investment Trust
Last week Bob Hasegawa introduced House Bill 2434 to create Washington Investment Trust!  44 Washington State House members co-sponsored H.B. 2434.  Action: Please thank the co-sponsors and urge your state representatives to support WIT.  Find your representatives here:  http://apps.leg.wa.gov/districtfinder/default.aspx The bill has been referred to the House Business & Financial Services Legislative Committee.  A hearing is expected, date…
Dating game with some very special persons
I’m making an animation video about this. Any ideas for questions the young lady should ask our bachelors (Exxon Mobil, Goldman Sachs, and Monsanto)? And how should the bachelors respond? If I use your ideas, I’ll mention you in the credits.
(Canceled) Tuesday, 7PM in Seattle: Stop the Bleeding, Revenue Forum
Stop the Bleeding Revenue Forum CANCELED DUE TO SNOW! Tuesday, Jan 17, 7PM Southside Commons 3518 S Edmunds, Seattle, WA 98118 View Map · Get Directions
Women's Solidarity Day in Olympia, Jan 19
Washington women need YOU to speak out in support of the Reproductive Parity Act (HB 2330/SB 6185), exciting new legislation that will require all health insurance policies sold in the state that cover maternity care to cover abortion care. ALL women, regardless of income, deserve equal access to coverage for basic reproductive health care, including…
We need a Financial Transaction Tax
RootsAction is reporting: News from France: Conservative President Nicolas Sarkozy announced this weekend that he would take the lead in introducing a Financial Transaction Tax in his country. Referring to the tax as a “moral issue†and blaming deregulation and speculation for the global economic crisis, Sarkozy has said financial traders must “repay for the…